It's not hard to understand at all, he suffered from mental illness under a long time (many creative people do that actually), but indeed, it's very tragic.
Ari Mikael Behn is my fifth cousin twice removed's ex-husband's great niece's ex-husband.
Ari Mikael Behn is my 15th cousin four times removed.
Jessica Christophe-Dymock Paternal Ydna QM 242
Yes, it was due to the separation with his wife, it's called separation anxiety, (in swedish, separationsångest), it starts with a depression and can go over into a serious psychosis.
I guess, people who are sensitive, empathetic, creative, intelligent, runs a little higher risc to be affected negatively from divorces, no matter whether if they agreed or not to separate. It's too bad, I really liked him, he appeared more as a royal, than his wife did.