Is it possible that she and
Sara Erlich(Kober)
Is this the same woman?
Please note that dates are the same.also Her brothers' names are familiar to me, too
many thanks
Is it possible that she and
Sara Erlich(Kober)
Is this the same woman?
Please note that dates are the same.also Her brothers' names are familiar to me, too
many thanks
Private User
hi dear bella,
thank you very much
As you know, Naftali Aharon Wakstein and I will discuss my family tree (from my grandfather's side) tonight, including this topic.
When there are two profiles of the same person, but they are not merged, Obviously , the algorithm will show a different relationship between the two profiles.but.
I'm not convinced,that , Sara Rotenberg is Sara Erlich, I didn't want to make a mistake and merge the two profiles without being convinced that they are the same, so I opened the discussion, maybe someone has information that can help me.