(ה"ה)רבי חיים אליעזר ורצקי,(הכהן), זצ"ל,הי"ד - Maybe someone has information that can help me?

Started by Haim Wartski, HaCohen on Thursday, December 12, 2019
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12/12/2019 at 10:35 PM

he is my grandfather.Burned in crematoriums in Auschwitz
I want to commemorate him
For a long time I have been trying to figure out how to connect him to the general tree
Things I know for sure:
:From this branch too we are also descendants of teomim and horowitz
2:Also from here, we are descendants of Shaul whal, the Maharal of Prague, Rashi
3:Naftali Wakstein turned my attention to women in the family, he told me that in this branch the women had a very large attribution
4:I chatted with a number of gur chassidim they turned my attention tomy great grandmother
Rebbetzin Malka Rywka Wartski/Mayrantz
she is a descendant of the Maharal of Prague probably from his daughter: Vogla Katz
5:Please note that my great-grandmother (2) she is a descendant of the krol dynasty
Rebeka Rifke Wartski
6:I was also told that my great-grandmother (3) she is a descendant of the gur admor
Hendel Wartski(Erlich)
All my attempts so far to figure out how to connect my grandfather, failure.
Does anyone have any idea / information that can help me?

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