Hello Haim,
Please don't take this the wrong way, rather I am trying to be constructive and ask the following from a holistic and neutral point of view.
I would ask: How do you know the adjustments are fakes vs mistakes vs potentially correct entries?
Have you considered that your sources are not the only sources of truth that exist?
Is it possible that your sources are incorrect?
It may be unfair to assume that (all? many?) people have nefarious intentions (at which, what would they gain? Bragging rights that a member-governed website says something about their lineage?) when they may be arriving at these updates honestly.
I think that the only way to sift through them is to analyze each one on a case-by-case basis, and likely should include the requester if you have concerns or doubts. Perhaps starting a thread that is based on fairness (and not assumptions, "Innocent until proven guilty"), and invite the requesters to make their case would be a more democratic approach. In this way you would not be shutting out potential new contributors that may be sitting on a wealth of knowledge.
Hopefully you found this message constructive and not accusatory in nature. I respect what you have been doing on here for quite some time, and I acknowledge that there is a problem we face with incorrect data making it's way onto the shared tree. What are your thoughts?
hello seth,
When you are a true descendant, you know many things about the Morganstern family, things that have been told since I was a child.
As I wrote before, and I wrote to you at the time, I know a lot of things about the family, which is not all of them appear in geni.Which is why I know for sure how to spot fakes in my family tree.
In addition, any curator specializing in rabbinic dynasties such as Samuel Royd, will look at the names that appear in geni matches and immediately recognize the forgeries.