Devorah Rivkah Wahl-Katzenellenbogen (Drucker) - Wrong father

Started by Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski on Monday, December 2, 2019
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Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Randy Schoenberg
@samuel royde
according the books:
1:כתר תורה(page 382)
2:כנסת ישראל(page 620)
3:תפארת אבות(page:29)
Her father was: Rabbi David Drucker,parnas and leader in Brisk. Her father was not David Yehiel Drucker, The "printer of Vienna"
i Thank you for fixing the father name (she is in a locked master profile, and I can't fix it)

Private User

Haim, it looks like Yigal Burstein merged them in June. His hometown is still Brisk. Could it be that they are the same person?

Private User
I saw that david Yechiel Drucker died in brisk, but no source (in any book) mentions that Her father was the printer from Vienna .All the books say that her father was a rabbi and parnas and a leader in brisk.In addition, by all the books her father's name was David Drucker, nowhere The name yechiel is not mentioned either .,

Also in the books:

רבי שאול ואהל(page 5)
שם ושארית(page 492)
And I can give more books names, not one of the books mention that her father was the printer from Vienna

I found more information in the book:
אבות עטרה לבנים(page 26)
The book says that someone was wrong and wrote that Rabbi David Drucker was born in Prague, and when there was a deportation of Jews he moved to brisk and set up there printing house
According to the author of the book, this was completely ruled out, and her father was not born in Prague
As for the surname luria unfortunately,No source I've seen mentioned who his parents were ,

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski, you might want to include Yigal Burstein in this discussion, as he merged the original David Yehiel Drucker, The "printer of Vienna" profiles. That said, "Drucker" simply means "printer" in Yiddish. They are likely the same person, but the English notation was added later. His surname is Luria.

Private User
Indeed drucker= printer
Yesterday I found a lot of information that doubted there was a man named drucker who was printer in Vienna,And moved from there to brisk.They wrote that it was a mistake.No source had written who his parents were.
I don't have the book "the unbroken chain", but I believe the information who Saul whal wife was and who her parents were written there.
Kevin Lawrence Hanit
can help

Yigal Burstein did the merge.

Yigal Burstein did the merge.

Private User

I am constantly trying to find new information and grow my family tree
Because I'm not sure about the information here, I'll stop looking for information in this branch

@ Devorah Rivlah Wahl Katzenellenbogen was Rabbi Moses Isserless 1520 -1600

@ Devorah Rivlah Wahl Katzenellenbogen was Rabbi Moses Isserless 1520 -1600

This area is still a mess: I have initiated a new thread that includes some reference data. Please see this:

Private User

Read the things I wrote on the subject

I have been looking for more information about David Drucker The Printer of Vienna and can only find his name. I separated the David Drucker and David Yehiel Drucker and finally put them together. He is my 10th great-grandfather in my great-grandmother Taube Lea Frankel's line. We also have all the printers in Sulzbach who were in a Fraenkel line, 17th-18th century. David Drucker preceded them.Please let me know if anyone finds that there were two separate David Druckers.Frances Levine Smith

This is one of the branches where there is little and conflicting information...

Some sources claim that he is from the Rappaport family, some from the Luria family, in the past he was connected as the grandson of Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, Ha'Ari HaKadosh,But I highly doubt if this is true...I stopped looking for information in this branch a long time's a dead end

Private User

Have you done a dna test? I have a match in Ancestry with Frances Smith and I wonder if this is you

Yes I have taken ancestry dna also my husband RBS Robert B full name is Frances Myrna Levine Smith.

Who is correct father?

I corrected the father. I assume Brusk is Brest?

I have an idea that Rabbi David Druckercand David Yehuel Drucker The Printer if Vienna were cousins. The rabbi is son of Abraham and the printer is son of Solomon. Both may have been son of Yehiel Luria I I. Simple solution - how to prove? Fran

Private User

After realizing that I probably wouldn't be able to find verified information in this branch, I stopped researching in this branch.

Regarding the DNA test, I sent you a private message

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