Mere Titope Kaikanui Harpur (Pakinui) - Mere Titope Harpur

Started by Jenn Moira Rose on Saturday, November 2, 2019
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According to an article in The Spin Off, 09.08.2018, the photo we have always thought to be our Mere is in fact Mere Harpur nee Apes.
I found the article to be brilliant in that it gives such a informative narrative of life in the 1840's.

Cheers Jenny Rose

Hi yeah I was told years ago from somone I can't remember who, that was diff mere, I will have a read of this article cheers, Wade

The photo that all the trees show of MARY PAKANUI HARPUR b-1824, d-1872, married William Harpur an Irishman is wrong.They had 8 children, one son being named William.
The photo is MERE HARPER (nee APES) b-7 May 1842, d-30 May 1924. She married William Harper an Englishman and they only had 1 son who was also called William Harper jnr. We have other family photo's with her in them as well and their names are all written on the backs of the photos, This photo included.. She was my husbands great Aunt.
PLEASE NOTE HARPUR is the Irish spelling of Pakanui Harpur although has got changed down the line. There is no known photo's of Mere Pakanui Harpur. I am sure she was pre photography in NZ. I am hoping that all the researchers will be able to remove this photo from their sites as it is causing a lot of confusion. Na Betty Apes

hi all i cleaned up the tree for Mere Apes and moved the photos to her for you

Thank you Jason Scott Wills. I see they are still on Ancestry do you know how I can get them off there? Betty Apes

you have to message every single person who manages them on ancestry and ask them to remove it. ancestry is not like Geni other people cant correct their mistakes

I am ot paid up on Ancestry can I still message them

morena koutou
i am so pleased to find this post - i knew years ago so many of our whanau had mixed mere harper nee apes and our pakinui up ( and so still do) i have told many of our family of the mix up so choose to ignore me but i will continue to tell those who will listen
i do apologize to the family of mere harper
i am a member of ancestry and my heritage and if i can be off any help to get the word out please let me know
i found the new whakapapa very interesting, It is different to the one we have, we also need to clear this up with Ngai Tahu whakapapa unit as recently a family member was given our whakapapa papers with a photo of Mere Harper (nee Apes) included it took many days to convivence her that the info was in-correct :( (still not sure if she believed me )
i look forward to hearing from you all
karon turipa (nee gutsell) 0273083517

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