The photo that all the trees show of MARY PAKANUI HARPUR b-1824, d-1872, married William Harpur an Irishman is wrong.They had 8 children, one son being named William.
The photo is MERE HARPER (nee APES) b-7 May 1842, d-30 May 1924. She married William Harper an Englishman and they only had 1 son who was also called William Harper jnr. We have other family photo's with her in them as well and their names are all written on the backs of the photos, This photo included.. She was my husbands great Aunt.
PLEASE NOTE HARPUR is the Irish spelling of Pakanui Harpur although has got changed down the line. There is no known photo's of Mere Pakanui Harpur. I am sure she was pre photography in NZ. I am hoping that all the researchers will be able to remove this photo from their sites as it is causing a lot of confusion. Na Betty Apes