this profile Adalberto III, the Margrave was rightly blocked to prevent anyone from attacking him at Guy "the Philosopher", margrave of Tuscany every Sunday, without knowing why.
That there have been succession problems, the most informed is obvious.
now that I have cleaned up the area following the certified official encyclopedic sources, I can move without too much difficulty and I noticed that a site that matches every single intersection above and below... says:
<< ...[Lambert, margrave of Tuscany Lamberto], [Guy "the Philosopher", margrave of Tuscany8 Guido]'s other brother, followed him as marquess of Tuscany and count of Lucca. On April 13, 945, a sentence appointed [Margrave Oberto I Obizzo, count of Luni Oberto], [Lambert, margrave of Tuscany Lamberto]'s descendant, duke of Spoleta, marquess of Milan, count of Luni and count Palatine, the highest title then, granted only to the most faithful combatants... >>
-http://www.imalaspina.com/en/history-of-the-malaspinas.html [multilingual]
-http://www.imalaspina.com/en/news/qui-sommes-nous.html [Presentation: The imalaspina.com website is run by a team of three trained and polyglot researchers, doctors in historical sciences, teaching in the French University and authors of several books and scientific papers, and an experienced computer specialist.... PLZ real all]
I assure you that every line described from the beginning of the quoted page that I don't copy spam here, corresponds with the lines now present cleaned up here on GENI (cleaned manually, individually following Italian encyclopedic sources and medlands)
discussion on how to attach the 2 sections (immaculate cleaned)
Re: locking. Personally, I prefer separate field locks, including “relationships” and the “about,” to the “full lock” tool.
The reason for that is conflicts can accumulate that only a curator can resolve. If we have the data correct, but there’s still an open issue (say a death date), we can be more nuanced in accuracy, and less reliant on a static / large tool.
in the Guido & Lamberto profiles I wrote a few words of explanation, and now I make myself ridiculous trying to make a macaronic scheme of facts :D
*Adalbert II "the Rich", margrave of Tuscany
**Guy "the Philosopher", margrave of Tuscany die and the power pass to his BRO, but the widow marries Hugues I d'Arles, King of Italy, Regent of Lower Burgundy that deposes & blinds to take power (given to relatives)
**Lambert, margrave of Tuscany (blinded & deposed by UGO.. MedLands don't list sons, so all to write that he has no children)
***Adalberto III, the Margrave (we don't know parents, so total locked and even with coat of arms that has nothing to do)
****Margrave Oberto I Obizzo, count of Luni (a sentence gives him back part of his grandfather's power, we know for sure son of Adalberto)
(so we now have to unlock Adalberto III, the Margrave & connect son of Lambert, margrave of Tuscany :)
today a user* has undeletted a his profile [(coming from a series of clones that had just messed ALL (3rd time)] this time I moved also this to the right place.
So now it's enough merge [MP]Adalberto III, the Margrave whit [CLONE]Adalberto
& remove (1395-1450) Visconti coat of arms!
(here we are in 900 ad Another family)
well by now I had put it in the right place :D
but thanks for the prompt intervention!!
then let us continue to the previous point: unlock [MP]Adalberto III, the Margrave (also remove the JPG) & connect son of Lambert, margrave of Tuscany.
(After a year of research - cleaning all around, any discussion is welcome :)
Kevin Lawrence Hanit at the end of the month if nobody intervenes we do the operation..
(more than anything it is a memo for me to hold the discussion at the top, among the things to do:)
[[but the wrong JPG of Adalberto III, the Margrave I just can't stand it]]