Sir John Garrard, Baron of Sittingbourne - Will abstracts for Garrards of Sittingbourne.

Started by Lisa on Friday, September 6, 2019
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9/6/2019 at 6:09 PM


The Kent Archaeology Society have abstracts of Sittingbourne wills on their site, which include Thomas , Lawrence Sir Lawrence Garrard, Kt. , & Agnes (wife of Lawrence) Garrard (& dates they were probated).

I thought these may be useful to someone, as Thomas names his children - and proves he is not the same person as Sir Thomas Gerard, of Kingsley and Bryn ; and Lawrence asks to be buried between his father & grandfather - i.e. Thomas & Thomas's father - showing the family have been in Sittingbourne longer than shown on this tree.

I have added this under John of Sittingbourne (though "Baron of" sounds dubious.) as Lawrence only names his son Thomas, brother John, & wife Agnes from the family (besides servants etc) in his will and Agnes mentions her children as Thomas, William, Alice & Isabelle. No John ( but maybe it's an oversight.) But, I was wondering if there was a possibility that Thomas is John - as in 'John' is possibly an error from the visitations (the sons there are John & William)? There is also a will for a 'Thomas Garrard of St Magnus, London', but I haven't looked at it (my Ancestry is lapsed.) It's a PCC (prob11/15/424) if anyone is interested - I am probably putting two & two together & getting 5 (& he is really uncle Tom.)

The picture accompanying this profile is Sir John Cheke (it even has his name written on it.) But it isn't quite as 'chekey' (see what I did) as the picture for Jane Garrard (Partridge), wife of Sir John Garrard, Lord Mayor of London!

9/6/2019 at 8:47 PM

For the profile of Sir John Garrard, of Sittingbourne

- Added the link to wills to the “about”
- Removed “Baron” (he was a grocer)
- Detagged the Cheke image, which revealed a nice monument, hopefully the right one

Thank you, Lisa.

Where is this on the family tree associated with my family? The blue links don't direct me.

10/4/2019 at 10:42 PM

Thank you, Erica and Lisa. Jodi, to see your relationship to any profile, just click on the link to that profile and click on "How are you related?"

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