Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge - Richard of Conisbrough, the Traitorous Earl

Started by Kristin Felicia VanNest on Monday, August 5, 2019
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8/6/2019 at 5:11 AM

He was my 1st cousin 19x removed...

8/6/2019 at 6:21 AM

He's also my 17t Great Grandfather:

→ John Aston Dive
your father → Henry Aston Dive
his father → Henry Dive
his father → Lewis Dive
his father → Lewis Dive
his father → Hugh Dive
his father → Lewis Dive
his father → John Dive
his father → John Dive
his father → John Dive
his father → Howarda Strangways
his mother → Sir John Strangways, MP
her father → Sir John Strangeways
his father → Sir Giles Strangways
his father → Margaret Manners-Heneage
his mother → Anne Manners
her mother → Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
her mother → Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
her father → Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge
his father

11/23/2020 at 6:45 AM

He is my 18th great grandfather

4/11/2023 at 11:01 AM

There is considerable evidence to suggest that Conisborough was not the son of Edmund of Langley, but the result of an affair between his Mother Isabelle and John Holland, who was a half brother of Richard II in which case he was not a direct descendent of Edward III.
Isabel was well known for her extra marital affairs. According to a contemporary chronicler she was `domina carnaliset delicate, mundialis et uenevea set tamen in fine, Christi gracia, penitens et conuersa`. Her affair with John Holland was well known at the time and is thouight to have been alluded to in Chaucers `The compleynte of Mars`. John Holland certainly had a reputation as a womaniser and he was violent and unscrupulous. In his will that was made in 1400 Edmund of Langley failed to even mention Conisborough. Isabel had to plead with Richard II who was his Godfather to grant an income for him.
The DNA extracted from Richard IIIs remains after he was extracted from under the carpark in Leicester back up the theory, Richard III and Edward IVs father was Richard the 3rd Duke of York and as it is very likely that he had no direct descent from Edward III then neither did they.

Sorry to rain on somebodys parade here. We went through all this tracing our line back to and beyond Edward III. We happen to have a direct line via Lionel of Clarence who was Langleys brother so our descent from Edward back through Flanders, Normandy, Wessex and Scotland according to existing records is solid, but not everyone will have that.

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