President Donald Trump's genealogy is obviously inaccurate. Look at his Setzer line....
Now, compare that to the following Setzer profile....
Johann Jacob Schweitzer, the younger
....just ain't right!
Also, can someone delete another...ridiculous photo....
Well....I am glad SOMEBODY replied....was beginning to think the rapture had occurred and I had gotten left behind. Was wondering if I should go outside and see if any neighbors were left....
For those of you that don't like Trump... think he's annoying... well... I can be annoying too (maybe in our common genes?)
In all seriousness, there is a lot of hammering out that needs to be done. THIS is one of them. I would REALLY appreciate more responses. (Keep it clean guys, I don't want this one to get shut down)
Cheley, have a great day!
Just to lighten things up....this should have been my initial response to you Cheley (have used it before when deemed appropriate).....
LOL & lol
There is another discussion that I had started involving Trump's tree, and just like this one.... no answers....
This is for all of you tuning in that are "smarter than a fifth grader".... curators, pros, experts, genealogists, ......
Diana Collins....is this not correct?? It's a sub branch and not blood related..
Maj. William Russell Bailey
her husband → Elizabeth Bailey
his mother → John Peters, Sr.
her father → Christian Peters, Sgt
his brother → Anna Katharine Peters
his wife → David Fudge, Sr.
her brother → Elizabeth Fudge-Kesling (Link)
his wife → Dieterich "Peter" Kesling
her husband → Anna Christina Kiessling (Lingel)
his mother → Anna Ursula Lingle
her mother → Johann Valentin Bankhard
her brother → Susanna Maria Bechtloff
his daughter → Johann Gottlieb Jakob Bechtloff
her son → Susanna M. Trump (Bechloff)
his daughter → John Trump
her husband → Maria Elisabetha Trump
his mother → Johann Adam Setzer
her father → Hans Jacob Setzer
his father
Well... I would say that's another line that is obviously messed up.
They have....
being the son of ....
Hanns Jacob Jacob Banckhard, 3rd
Look at their birthdates. ??????
(Thank you for replying)
See what I mean about Donald Trump's tree....
I'll sum it up like this....
Actually sorry Diana Collins... the Sub Branches from my family are also ALL SUB BRANCHES TO MOST OF THOSE IN THAT LINE... Because it won't copy paste them in the colour code that differentiates them from each link.. sadly..
I will see what I can do to show you...
Colour Coding
In Green
Maj. William Russell Bailey
her husband → Elizabeth Bailey
his mother → John Peters, Sr.
her father → Christian Peters, Sgt
his brother
next in Brown
Anna Katharine Peters
his wife → David Fudge, Sr.
her brother →
next in Purple
Elizabeth Fudge-Kesling (Link)
his wife →
next in Pink
Dieterich "Peter" Kesling
her husband → Anna Christina Kiessling (Lingel)
his mother → Anna Ursula Lingle
her mother → Johann Valentin Bankhard
her brother → Susanna Maria Bechtloff
his daughter → Johann Gottlieb Jakob Bechtloff
her son → Susanna M. Trump (Bechloff)
his daughter → Christian J. Trump
her son → Friedrich Trump
his son → Frederick Christ Trump
his son → Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA
his son
NOW can you understand the sub branch links...
In my blood line from me back in the family stops at a GG Uncle I think it is..I haven't actually included them but it's his wife's line it runs off then branches out..
So it reads like this...
Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA is your second great aunt's grandmother's husband's great uncle's wife's brother's wife's husband's second cousin five times removed.
Those managers have been drawn into this discussion since I have pasted both of those profiles into this discussion.... at least I would think so. I would say follow those profiles, give it a little while, and see if anything changes. I will put it on my back burner, let it simmer, and give it a stir if necessary.
Does this source pertain to your tree...
If so, wasn't sure where to put it....or rather who to attach it to....
Put it where you want it, if it's not already on there....
I added some other sources to that tree....just look at my recent activity on my profile and you will see who I attached them to.
From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump
The immigration records list his name as Friedr. Trumpf.[19][20][21] The 1910 United States census lists his name as Fred Trump. [22] According to the German Gesellschaft für Computergenealogie, Trump's earliest known male ancestor was Johann Paul Trump (1727–1792) in Bobenheim am Berg.[4] The story of an itinerant lawyer Hanns Drumpf presented by Gwenda Blair in her book The Trumps (2000) who settled in Kallstadt in 1608 and whose descendants changed their name from Drumpf to Trump during the Thirty Years' War of the 1600s[23][24] could not be substantiated and is not in accordance with the data provided by the German genealogists.[4] Journalist Kate Connolly, visiting Kallstadt, found several variations in spelling of the surname in the village archives (including Drumb, Tromb, Tromp, Trum, Trumpff, Dromb) but her article does not note "Drumpf".[25]
25. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/29/kallstadt-germany-o...
Dear Diana Collins
I don't think that they are the same because Angus McQueen moved to Moore County, North Carolina, probably before Henrietta "Essie" MacSwane was born. According to this individual, the family immigrated to NC in "the late 1700s or very early 1800s:" https://www.ancestry.ca/boards/thread.aspx?mv=flat&m=428&p=...
Also from Clergymen and Chiefs: A Genealogy of the MacQueen and Macfarlane Families by Alexander McQueen Quattlebaum, pg. 44, "Angus MacQueen... Son of Alexander MacQueen and Margaret Martin MacQueen.... after the death of his father, Angus emigrated to American with his mother and the rest of the family. Angus never married, and lived in the home of his brother, Col. Donald MacQueen." This book also lists the immigration date for the family around 1802, well before the birth date of Henrietta, which was around 1810 in Scotland. (page 41).
I believe that I responded to that one on another discussion thread a while ago, but I wrote that while the family tree you linked does connect him to Henrietta, other family trees imply that he immigrated to North Carolina (see the birth locations for his children.)
On the family tree which you cited, Angus McSween's mother, Christian is also listed as having died in North Carolina: https://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&a... So that seems to be inline with the North Carolina migration found in other trees.
Angus' father and younger step-siblings also all moved to North America.
It is interesting, but we seem to have two different Angus MacQueens who both immigrated to NC around the same time. I am pretty sure that they are distinct individuals because their families are different, but it is quite interesting nonetheless.
.....and was there a Friedrich Trump born in 1834?
Yes there was:
Name: Friedrich Trump
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 6 Mai 1834 (6 May 1834)
Baptism Date: 11 Mai 1834 (11 May 1834)
Baptism Place: Evangelisch,Kallstadt,Pfalz,Bavaria
Father: Joh. Trump
Mother: Susanna Maria Bechtloff
FHL Film Number: 193949
from Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 on Ancestry.com
He married Elisabetha Freund on 26 Nov 1863 and died in Kallstadt in 1876.
I am only showing you this one, because it mentions an Angus McQueen. I may get confused as to "who's on first".... so bear with me....
Don't know who Flora Fairly is....but would be a good source for her if she's on geni.
This is Flora Fairley she is the sister of Angus McQueen, the son of Alexander and Margaret.
I have added Frederich Trump to the tree (interestingly his wife, Elizabeth Freud, appears to be a descendant of Johann Michael Hartung which makes her a cousin of Donald Trump). There seems to me to be a lot of room for expansion on the German side of the family, especially in the more recent generations and on the non-Trump lines.
Unfortunately, I am unable to attached Friedrich Trump to his parents Johannes Trump, I and Susanna Maria Trump because that part of the tree is locked down. Could a curator please do this?