Magriet Uitenweerde - Date of death

Started by Private User on Monday, July 15, 2019
Showing all 3 posts
Private User
7/15/2019 at 5:43 AM

Is there any media report giving a date?

Private User
7/15/2019 at 6:11 AM

The death date of Magriet has been difficult to find as there were no follow-up reports on this.
This was mentioned in a report, but no date given -
2012-02-20 Marlene Jordaan of Volksblad daily writes from Kroonstad magistrate's court: KROONSTAD - Mrs Margriet Uitenweerde has died of the traumatic injuries sustained in the assault.

I found another link from 4th August 2011 with an update where Bella Uitenweerde speaks out, but also not date of when Magriet passed.

I eventually found Magriet's death date on a FB page - South Africa Wall Of Remembrance -
"20th February 2012."

This is the link -

Private User
7/15/2019 at 7:42 AM

You are the best...Thanks!!

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