Adam of Eden is your 76th great grandfather.
→ Isaura del Socorro Portocarrero Lacayo de Briones
your mother → Lilyan Salinas Lacayo de Briones
her mother → Isaura Lacayo de Briones y Guzmán
her mother → Ana María Mercedes Guzmán Martorell
her mother → Joaquín Eufrasio Guzmán y Ugalde, Presidente de El Salvador
her father → Manuel Antonio Guzmán y Galindo
his father → Manuel Guzmán Portocarrero
his father → Luis Jerónimo Guzmán Portocarrero y Bonilla
his father → Jerónimo de Guzmán y Portocarrero
his father → Alonso Jacinto de Guzmán
his father → Jerónimo Guzmán Portocarrero
his father → Alonso de Guzmán y Córdoba
his father → María Portocarrero de Córdoba y Guzmán
his mother → Luis Fernández Portocarrero de Córdoba
her father → Francisca Portocarrero
his mother → Martín Fernández Portocarrero, VIII señor de Moguer
her father → Francisca Portocarrero, VI señora de Moguer
his mother → Martín Fernández Portocarrero, IV señor de Moguer, III señor de Villanueva del Fresno
her father → Francisca Sarmiento
his mother → Diego Pérez Sarmiento de Villamayor y Haro, adelantado mayor de Castilla
her father → Garci Fernández Sarmiento de Villamayor
his father → Pedro Fernández de Villamayor
his father → Teresa de Castilla
his mother → Katharina Komnene Dukaina
her mother → Maria Laskarina
her mother → Theodore II, Emperor of Nicaea
her father → Eirene Laskarina
his mother → Anna Komnene Angelina Lascarina
her mother → Euphrosyne Doukaina Komnenos Angelos
her mother → Qirwerne, Princess of Ethiopia
her mother → Jan Seyum, Negus of Ethiopia (Zagwe Dynasty)
her father → Masoba Warq, Princess of Aksum
his mother → Dil Na'od, Negus of Aksum
her father → Degna Djan, Negus of Aksum
his father → Rema Armah of Abyssinia
his father → Ayzur of Abyssinia
his father → Talatem of Abyssinia
his father → Latem of Abyssinia
his father → Asgwomgum of Abyssinia
his father → Bahr Ikela of Abyssinia
his father → Degna Mikael of Abyssinia
his father → Zergaz Of Ethiopia
his father → Germa Asafa Of Ethiopia
his father → Menelik ., I, da Ethiopia
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel
his father → Jesse .
his father → Obed .
his father → Boaz .
his father → Salmon .
his father → Nahshon ben Aminadav
his father → Amminadab .
his father → Aram / Ram .
his father → Hezron .
his father → Pharez .
his father → Judah .
his father → Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
his father → Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
his father → Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
his father → Terah .
his father → Nachor .
his father → Serug .
his father → Reu .
his father → Peleg .
his father → Eber .
his father → Shelah .
his father → Arpachshad King of Arrapachtis .
his father → Shem
his father → Noah .
his father → Lamech .
his father → Methuselah .
his father → Enoch / Idris .
his father → Jared .
his father → Mahalalel .
his father → Cainan .
his father → Enosh .
his father → Seth .
his father → Adam of Eden
his father