Pse submit your input
Cornelis Rademeyer (Radie) Ferreira
yesterday at 6:38 PM
On which archival records does the name Leopold appear? I have always been under the impression and seen the name Ignatius. I only noticed the Leopold name on more modern family trees. Can it still be the influence of the old fake supposed titled blueblood Ferreira commander? I stand to be corrected and I really want to know - no intentions.
Daniel Jacobus Botes, g2h3
6/4/2019 at 4:42 PM
The baptism register is not always conclusive.
I have a number of cases where the baptism register, Marriage register, Death notice and gravestone all differ
Carl Muller
6/4/2019 at 4:14 PM
I loaded another copy of his birth record from the church records.
It seems he was baptised
Ignátio Ferreira
And not Ignátio Leopold Ferreira
Carl Muller
6/4/2019 at 4:03 PM
I have just uploaded a copy of his marriage certificate. According to the Ferreira book I have he is called Ignátio Ferreira.
From experience of our own family research spellings change and names change. I will research further and bring proof of what he really was called.
Our own family changed names a few times according to documents seen.Let us do it.
Cornelis Rademeyer (Radie) Ferreira
6/4/2019 at 9:35 AM
If you look on the record of his marriage on the side of one the documents you refer to as proof, you will notice that his name is indicated as Ignatius only - no Leopold.
Cornelis Rademeyer (Radie) Ferreira
6/4/2019 at 9:26 AM
But what is his name in official documents such as baptismal records and archives. As far as I know my source researched the archives. There was a romantic legend which was printed with a copy of a scroll with supposed heraldic proof of an Ignatius Leopold Ferreira 1691 who was shipwrecked off the Eastern Coast.
"Mijn overgrootvader was Ignatius Leopold Ferreira, kommandeur van het oorlogschip "Sarpine" van Portugal naar China en Japan, met gezanten van Lissabon, om vrede te sluiten met de twee naties, en met hun te handelen.........." By Almyn Ferreira (du Pre) This long story circulated among the family for ages before it was proved to be fake. Could this be the source of the Leopold part of Ignatius`s name?
Carl Muller
6/3/2019 at 7:10 PM
Her is more...
Carl Muller
6/3/2019 at 7:06 PM
The owners of the Project first 50 years in the Cape also named him
Carl Muller
6/3/2019 at 6:55 PM
Here he is also Ignacio Leopold Ferreira
Carl Muller
6/3/2019 at 6:53 PM
Here is more
Lodewyk Christiaan Steyn
6/3/2019 at 6:46 PM
Does anybody know why the Leopold was added in the first place?
Would love to know.
Cornelis Rademeyer (Radie) Ferreira
6/3/2019 at 6:31 PM
Managers of Ignatius Leopold Ferreira, SV/PROG,
I am contacting you about this profile: Private...
His name is IGNATIUS. His name is NOT Ignatius (Leopold). Can this please be rectified?
Cornelis Rademeyer (Radie) Ferreira
Ignatius Leopold Ferreira, SV/PROG
Hi dear all - something else that needs to go into ''the pot of name confusion'': This profile is in my ancestor line (on my own grandmother's side) and as far as we know (and this is only our verbal family legend) - my own grandmother was most probably called after him - hence the ''Leopold'' as one of her names: She was Wilhelm Leopold Von Hindenburg Slabbert (*24 Dec 1914 - +1 Aug 1995) x Salomon Theodorus Prinsloo . (Such weird names for a girl though and we still don't know why the Wilhelm and the Von Hindenburg!) Sooooooooooo - I do not know what to make of this ''Leopold'' name saga now!!! Surely they would not have called her ''Leopold'' - if they did not know that his name was Leopold? Maybe just an extra nickname for him then? No clue! Let's search for the answers! Thanks all. Wilma Basson
The first Leopold Ferreira, in my sources, was Jan Leopold 1735.03.17 (b2), second son of Ignatius and Martha Ferreira who was not married and apparantly died young. The second oldest in my index was Ignatius Leopold born more than 100 years later, in 1846, from Humansdorp. The next Ignatius Leopold was born in 1868, born Gamtoosrivier (Humansdorp) and died in Belfast. In total there are 15 Ignatius Leopolds and 15 Ignatius Leopoldus. Compared to other Ignatius combinations relatively small numbers. This proves nothing, is unscientific, but if our ancestor`s second name were Leopold(us), surely this would have been reflected in many more named after him.
I still believe that the romantic legend about Ignatius Leopold Ferreira, that was even printed in "Huisgenoot" in the 1930`s, could be the source of this "myth"??