In the 1673 Muster roll we find the following entry:
Link: https://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/muster-rolls/cape-archive...
Anthonij van Bengale en Catrijn van do. 2 k.
In Cape Mothers Mansell Upham gives the following children for Groote Catrijn.
1. Catrijn Wagenmakers vd Kaap *c.1657
2. Marittie Pieterse vd Caep *c.1661
3. Petronella *c.1664
4. Louis *c.1666
5. Christoffel Snijman vd Caep *c.1668
The Muster roll only gives 2 children.
Alexander Armenis (Alex)
Private User, please could you post the link to Upham's reference. If I remember correctly he gave some of those an asterisk suggesting that they were worthy of further study. Have you checked the Muster roll for the other years between Athonij and Catrijn's marriage and deaths for children, and if so how does that tally?
1. Catrijn Wagenmakers vd Kaap *c.1657 ffyp has as disproved.http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5248.htm I seem to have MPed to prevent merging ibto another CW profile. Will disconnect once I've had the chance to find the other one. (Unless someone gets a chance before me).
Catharina Wagenmakers, SM - that was easy :-) just followed my own Curator Note on Catharina van de Caab :-).
Will disconnect.
The Muster rolls for 1673 - 1679 all give two children. The 1682 entry only gives 1 child.
Anthony de la Torre en Catrijn van Paliacat 2 k.
Antoni van Bengale en Cat. Van Paliacate 2k.
Ant. van Bengalen en Catr.a v. Palicata, 2k.
Anthonie van Bengale en Catrijn van do. 2 k.
Antoni van Bengale en Catharina van Paliacatta 2 k.
Anthonij van Bengale en Cathrijn van Paliacat 1k
Private User
Cape Mothers article by M. Upham
"Anthonij came to this marriage with no children and they had no children together. Petronella (7) and Christoffel (4) are mentioned as his step-children, but Christoffel keeps his Snyman surname." The family are out of the news, except when they sued their neighbour about a duck (1674). Petronella and Christoffel came running to Groote Catrijn to report that they had witnessed their duck waddling down the street with a knife in its back. Their neighbour not only had to compensate the family for the loss of their duck but also for ..."
Source: Looking for Goodness: Exploring Eustace Cluver and His Family 1657-1982 by Ann Cluver Weinberg
CJ 2, Civil Case: Anthonij van Bengale contra Dirck Ringel, 1 Aug. 1674, 9.
Yes, Sharon Doubell and Private User, thank you, we are now at a better place; from my recall it is only those two children that seemed certain, Christoffel and Petronella, of whose death we are certain.