Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland - Name fields locked

Started by Alex Moes on Sunday, May 19, 2019
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I have reverted the name changes made to this profile today and locked it to avoid an edit war.


I am assuming this is a rendering of Fornjot's name in runes but i am not familiar enough with any of the runic alphabets to determine it's:
A) accuracy
B) appropriateness

By far the bulk of existant Old Norse text is written using slightly modified Latin alphabet, so it's there value to creating a modern rendering of his name in runes?

Regardless, as a general rule please avoid using the Display Name field on a multi language profile unless you are going to fill the field in for every language tab, otherwise the name entered in the field for one language will over ride the name fields in all the other languages.

My apologies, I was unaware that I changed it! I uploaded a GEDCOM file recently from another site because I know Geni is more accurate with information.
As much as I try to research and look at each person I have on my tree, I have no doubt that there are some inaccuracies in the GEDCOM file I uploaded. My goal is to correct them in one location, the most accurate genealogy site, Geni.

I know Latin, but will NOT CLAIM to know the Norse language or alphabet. Between people incorrectly using “ferch” vs “verch” for females and then listing the sons names properly in the Norse, Wales, Swedish, etc... it’s time consuming.

I am not merging any profiles due to the possible inaccuracies not just on mine, but on others. My own daughter’s profile is messed up showing two fathers of the same name but cannot merge them because my cousin on the other side of the family entered her fathers information. I can’t fix it and my cousin hasn’t logged in to fix it.

Anyhow, thank you for your note. I will not change anything without accurate sources, I have had to literally start over a few times.



Please just delete any Nordic profiles from the gedcom older than AD 1400 or so. It's very likely that the profiles already exist on Geni, or have been entered, proved fake, and deleted again.

Instead, link your tree to the latest ancestor you can find in the Big Tree, and cut away all the duplicates before that.

Good luck, and enjoy Geni!

(BTW, you SHOULD be able to merge the two copies of Daniel Brian Swingle, since you're very close family, and neither is a claimed profile. If it doesn't work for you, send me a private message, and I can merge them for you.)

I don't like you to destroy my information in Geni!

For historical profiles (those that go well beyond living memory), there is no such thing as "my" information on Geni, there's just information.
It's either documented, undocumented or false. If false, needs deletion. If undocumented, needs research. In all cases, it's shared.

Harald Tvedestrand; you must be busy if you are going to delete all undocumented and false profiles in Geni.
Mht King of Kvenland; I have read about him in history books (some years ago), and I don't think he is false. I remember him as forefather of the "håløyger"; they have given us important knowlegde of about our history.

Do you have knowlegde enough to know that delete is the wright to do?

Well they don't want us to find our history, they just want us to be slaves to the relm, not to find our lineages. they don't want you too have knowledge of the past cause you might want to change the existing powers too be. They want you to be good slaves a not learn the corruption of the system

Anne, find the history book and see what it says and what it gives as sources. Memory is easily corrupted (it happens to me all the time).

Fornjot is documented - the documentation is a single 13th century manuscript called "Flateyarbok", written multiple hundreds of years after the time in which he lived. In my reckoning, that's enough to keep him (although there are others who think it's too weak and we should delete him).

It's unlikely we'll ever have evidence to the contrary.

History is interesting and we have had people, kings and queens here in North, not only written in sagas, but also in stories gathered to Kalevala. As well as there has been interesting rulers in Far-east. There are profiles in Geni, where the person is over 800 years old of age, legends of jewish history, and they lived thousands of years ago. Still somehow those persons do not have "mythical", or "legendary" written at their profiles, as we do in some Northern profiles. That is a bit weird.

Saga Sanna Marja, the Jewish lineages were disconnected because someone chose to disconnect King David and labeled him mythical. this was only remedied because the jewish communities spoke up and fought back. Imaging being jewish and the only line to abraham was through mohammed. how insulting. this is no less have someone arbitrarily declare someone mythical because they dont like what was written.

As my Great Grandfather, residing in the Union Theology College of British Columbia, host and hostess of the United Church of Canada, on University Hill in the Lands of UBC. His will said he was residing in the United Church the Landlord, Caretaker, Lord of the land. Would that be right. He applied for a job to house the students of the UBC endowment lands tuition of all students and feed them, house them do the laundry...yard work maintenance on the building. Basically doing everything like an owner, for over 12 years and died while living there. That was the Myers family home until his death and the will said he was residing there was his house his land his property. After 12 years you can claim the property without owners consent. What do you think? He was a Freemason 3rd generation, my grandfather never signed up nor my father, but you have 3 gen to catch up. So I was told I am a " LEWIS " Son of a mason. My Great Grandfather Freemason builder of the Majestic tower and the Main wing also the Principles residence. He was there for the build and a Freemason, we have his trowel sign appy You think I can claim the UNION COLLEGE???

Oh and I found my lineage to KING David of Israel.

Also, Frea, Frey, Frigg, they say there gods but are also real people, From the land of the Asgard, Nunavut, Canada. Odin was the god from god they say, but also a real person.

These people are in my lineage to King David, copied out and taped it together, need to make a scroll, lol Fact

Private User

Problemet beror på följande feltolkning av ordet saga bland engelsktalande och andra oinsatta.

Så här tolkar de ordet saga:

fairy tale; saga, fesaga, osann historia
tale; berättelse, saga, historia, lögn, sägen
saga; saga, hjältesaga, släktkrönika, fantastisk historia
legend; legend, sägen, saga, inskrift, teckenförklaring
fable; fabel, saga, myt, legend, fablernas värld, lögn


Så här tolkar de sägen:

legend; legend, sägen, saga, inskrift, teckenförklaring
tale; berättelse, saga, historia, lögn, sägen
story; berättelse, historia, story, sägen, anekdot, handling


Men i sjäva verket skall "saga" från bl.a de Isländska och Norska sagorna enbart tolkas med ordet utsaga:

statement; påstående, redogörelse, andragande, uppgift, sammanställning, utsaga


Därav följer att de ur rena luften skapar epitet som "mytologisk", mm. de begriper ju inte bättre eftersom de inte förstår skillnaden mellan t.ex fairytale och statement.

So true Ulf. I will translate it to english: The problem is that the word "saga" has been misinterpreted by English speakers and others.

Interpreting the word saga:

fairy tale; fairy tale, fesaga, wrong story
talc; story, story, story, lie, say
story; fairy tale, heroic story, family chronicle, amazing story
legend; legend, for example, fairy tale, writing, legend
Fable; Fable, fairy tale, myth, legend, story, lie


Here's how they interpret the word:

legend; legend, for example, fairy tale, writing, legend
talc; story, story, story, lie, say
story; story, story, story, story, anecdote, action


But in the real work "Saga", among other things, the Icelandic and Norwegian stories have to be interpreted only as:

statement; statement, opinion, petition, assignment, compilation, statement


It follows that pure air creates an epithet "mythological", etc. they do not understand better because they do not understand the difference between, for example, fairy tales and statements.

We have had our history here with legendary leaders as well there was history of human kind all the round the globe, history has gone far more back with new archaeology and there are founds 300.000 years ago from our kind. Even new theories that there are more "adams and eves" and not all of them are out of africa. It is sad that there are "political correctness" - cannot even call it that, that can ruin scientific work and studies.

Do any of you read the discussions you are replying to or do you just take every opportunity presented to whine about how the Geni MP tree doesn't match your personal interpretation?

Lord Bruce Ross Myers presumably by "Asgard, Nunavut, Canada" you are referring to on Baffin Island in the Canadian territory of Nunavut?
If you can provide corroborating evidence for this claim from a reputable source I shall happily update Odin's Geni profile to note this. Please advise which other Aesir and Vanir were living on this rugged inhospitable mountain peak.

Yes, building data base, TBA. Thanks for the reply

You are welcome, however, I asked you a direct and specific question in response to your public complaint that there is a big curator conspiracy on Geni.
Your vague nonsensical response whilst seemingly polite enough on the surface is actually quite rude and dismissive.

What "database" are you referring to? Geni's curators volunteer thousands of hours to maintaining Geni, you're entitled to put anything you want in your own records but if you are not contributing to this collaborative website then stop denigrating those who are.

In the popular vernacular, Put up or shut up.

All Geni curators working in this part of the tree strive to learn and improve Geni's tree. Posting random comments and complaints does nothing to improve people's understanding or the quality of the tree. We would be pleased if you share your knowledge so we can discuss and debate and learn together from each other.

I think you gentleman are speaking some other stuff here.

I was conferring only where to use words mythical or legendary, or when to remove the profile because the "person is too old to have childen or too old of age and it could not be possibile or credible to exist". Somehow this happens for Nordic profiles but not for example old ones from bible.

My family still lives in the lands of Kvenland. I belong in the genetic motherline that has been here 6000 years, as does many from Lappland, it is rare in any scale. That area is found in old maps, stories of people, written in sagas and areal notes. After drawing lines to countries in North Sweden/Norway/Finland (people living in the area still speak same language, meänkieli=Finland and Saami) people left to live in Norway, are called Kvens and speak finnish.

There are old graves, Jatulinkirkko ectr, that archealogy is still researching, as many other places in Finland, we have hundreds of new sightings found and there is no money to dig them up yet. But enough of that.

Anyway I was just wondering why so easily to give "mythical" name to persons in North, when in same time there are persons who is over 900 years old
Methuselah and he does not have any "mythical" added to his profile. There should be consistansy. Just saying.

What comes to curating, its hard work and we all who are building big world geni tree should be respectful to each other and be careful that there is no "white washing", "winner writes the history", or being annoid if some history is showing through muslim/jewish/finnish ancestors :). Genealogy should not be involved in such.

Private User one cannot and should not compare the Old Testament to the Sagas. The Biblical tree on Geni is encapsulated in its own projects and terminology, with its own set of knowledgeable persons looking after it and working through the issues.

I know little about the Sagas but I do know that tremendous effort has gone into presenting the stories as best we know.

I hope everyone contributes to learning more and with far less disparagement of all the hard work so far.

No need to compare. There are many books in bible and not even going there. There are also so much more then sagas in the North, specially in Finland. Just very different meaning for people who still live with their reindeers and old ways and are not christians.

There should be normal reasoning that no person can live to the age of 900 years old no matter where it is written. In any other case in geni it is. And surely could have "mythical" written somewhere if any profile. There should be consistansy.

Knowledge is true, fact, like They are all real people, they just did amazing things, lots have no facts but this is not made up. We are not trying to show untruth here, just questions and the truth behind the information that we have been trained on in the system. The government sets the educational system, we are not to blame for there system trained us on these people to be real people. They can't be made up, cause they would never of said anything. Knowledge is true, facts are the knowledge that we learned over the years. We respect the ones that are putting this tree together without the people to support it like us, there would be no tree. I am not rude, just saying what I have and what I have gathered, to get truth from my collection of knowledge here. For no one has to be quite here, we work as a balance to get it right.

Saga you would need to take up labeling conventions with those that determine them. I would “not” use mythical for people from the Bible; if a further label was needed for Methuselah in your example, I would suggest “Biblical.” But it’s not necessary, as names from the Bible are part of general knowledge of Western civilization.

The real genealogy question is “descent from.” As a Geni member I love to see these genealogies. As a person building my own tree, I “do not” want to descend from them; in a general historic way we probably all do. But link by link 101 gens, say? No. We don’t have the information to do that.

I would not either need to put mythical on them nor our ancestors in North, that is what I mean. For some part of the world people feel more strongly to northern religions with its stories than "bible". There are lots of people in North that never left their own culture and believes. I have a picture of my great grandmother who were forbidden to speak saami and with mixed religion. They went to church forced and had skull of their ancestor in the livingroom table. I really understand that some people get upset when there has been cuts or made some legendary people to "mythical" or for some people trying to cut all the lines that goes unknown. Finnish normally try to cut everything that goes out of Finland and before 1500. (Most of them does not aprove bible in genealogy at all and having this strong believe "all my ancestors are from Finland, all."). I am referring to old conversations that has been happening here in geni and some geni-fb groups. It is impossible to really prove any relationships that happened some hundreds or thousand years ago without dna, but I still like to see the big tree from large perspective, seeing how people connect, not cut people off each other because jewish people does not want to have muslim ancestors, or swedish having finnish old kings (geni converstations). But anyway yes, I totally agree what you are saying Erica. I have not seen anywhere anything where I would have disagreed with you :) just raising some questions sometimes here. I have been doing genealogy 30 years and for many ways geni has been a bliss.

It’s interesting for me as I’m half Ashkenazi Jewish & 1/2 White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP). DNA testing has “Scandinavia” but can’t say when: not in paper trail time, anyway. 1000 years ago, more? Geni tree shows me as 47th cousin to several members who are Ashkenazi DNA cousins of cousins. In other words, we have common ancestry much more recently than 47 gens ago and not through a Princess of Spain. There are limits to what we can show accurately in this platform currently. I would prefer “not” to have the distant ancestral connection so we could possibly better identify the more recent one ...

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן shouldn't Methuselah have a 'mythical' designator attached to him? [See conversation above].

Sharon Doubell,
that could /should be said of the ENTIRE Biblical tree. All 4000+ profiles of it. But:

1. That would REALLY upset a Hell [ ;-) ] of a lots of people.
2. Not practical to do.

The BEST solution would be to properly ISOLATE the entire tree, and designate the TREE as such. But despite many efforts by me and Mike, that is also nearly impossible from a technical-practical point of view. This is because people keep on adding their "traditional" lineages to the Biblical trees.

As we speak I just cut yet another such line. Take for example Togarmah ., traditionally identified with Eastern Europe. Geni shows him as having 21 "children". NONE of these are biblical. "Thankfully" he has only 121 descendents, BUT that does not preclude a sideways connection downline (and there precisely lies the problem, why it's so hard to isolate the tree).

How does RLing work? Slowly? (I'll help, if it's feasible to do)

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