So true Ulf. I will translate it to english: The problem is that the word "saga" has been misinterpreted by English speakers and others.
Interpreting the word saga:
fairy tale; fairy tale, fesaga, wrong story
talc; story, story, story, lie, say
story; fairy tale, heroic story, family chronicle, amazing story
legend; legend, for example, fairy tale, writing, legend
Fable; Fable, fairy tale, myth, legend, story, lie
Here's how they interpret the word:
legend; legend, for example, fairy tale, writing, legend
talc; story, story, story, lie, say
story; story, story, story, story, anecdote, action
But in the real work "Saga", among other things, the Icelandic and Norwegian stories have to be interpreted only as:
statement; statement, opinion, petition, assignment, compilation, statement
It follows that pure air creates an epithet "mythological", etc. they do not understand better because they do not understand the difference between, for example, fairy tales and statements.
We have had our history here with legendary leaders as well there was history of human kind all the round the globe, history has gone far more back with new archaeology and there are founds 300.000 years ago from our kind. Even new theories that there are more "adams and eves" and not all of them are out of africa. It is sad that there are "political correctness" - cannot even call it that, that can ruin scientific work and studies.