- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/GERMANY,%20Kings.htm#OttoIIIgermany...
m (after Feb 998, divorced [998/1000])
[THEODORA], widow of CRESCENTIUS [II] Nomentanus Senator of Rome, daughter of --- (-before 1006).
"Rodulfus Glaber recounts that Emperor Otto III married the widow of Crescentius Senator of Rome but "dismissed her by divorce" shortly afterwards[330]. "
Comment of MedLands " the report appears unlikely, not only because of what must have been an evident age difference between the parties, but also the unlikelihood that the young emperor would appear to condone his enemy's treachery by marrying his widow "
My comment:
Apart for political marriage .. of interest .. that in itself would suffice... to an 18 year old winner, to get the pretty noble rich 30-year-old wife of the enemy a couple of years seems quite plausible. [Already seen] (also from her point of view to pass on the winner's bed:)
about current wife Maria av Navarra not mentioned in MedLands,
I found she only on this Galician wiki without any source:
no other quotation anywhere else, in any other language.
point1) so we have to remove the blocks (parental especially) and to add she as a divorcee it is sufficient to merge this temporary clone without details to facilitate the work of union: Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor
(this is the second attempt, a (C) has already performed the merge without removing the parental lock and I had to reprogram the work)
so then of course we could also do a nice emperor multi-lingual if you remove blocks..
point2) About the unknown actual wife Maria av Navarra, his father Sancho II av Navarra is the clone of https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/4876729152710013892#48767291... [MP] locked whit terrible ESP title fields :Q
and I repeat she is not present in any other of all the 9 wiki-referenced languages used as a source for the father MP.
& I'm not talking only about emperor marriage, but really she is not listed as a daughter.
9 language available but the Galician* that connects her to the father and the emperor, which I found through google is not even selectable, even though it is connected. (if it's not fake it's a mistake)
*the only without any source or reference, minimal compilation almost a draft of an abandoned page.
*[MP] Sancho Garcés II, apodado Abarca locked whit terrible ESP title fields :Q
CLONE Sancho II av Navarra with unknown empress daughter
Ard van Bergen do you want to come?*
enough that remove some blocks and everything is ready.
*https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=68430767690 ;)