Yves de Creil - de Creil - Handy-Ruthven- Gray-Stewart-Beaufort-Holland-FitzAlan-Fitz Flaad(Bretagne)

Started by Susan Lynne Schwenger on Wednesday, April 24, 2019
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Yves de Creil is your 34th great grandfather.
You -susan lynne schwenger
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → James aka Jim Edward (Morton-Russell) Handy Jr.
her father → James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
his father → Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother → Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
her father → Robert (Witherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
his father → John Andrew (Henderson) Ruthven
his father → John (Peadie) Ruthven
his father → John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
his father → George John (Reid) Ruthven
his father → William Alexander (Clerksone) Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven, Kt.
his father → William Ruthven, 2nd Lord Ruthven
his father → Catherine Gray of Buttergask - Stewart - Ruthven
his mother → Elizabeth Stewart
her mother → John Stewart of Balveny, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father → Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
his mother → Margaret Holland, Duchess of Clarence
her mother → Alice FitzAlan, Countess of Kent
her mother → Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel
her father → Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel
his father → Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl Arundel
his father → John FitzAlan, 7th Earl of Arundel
his father → John FitzAlan
his father → John FitzAlan, Lord of Clun & Oswestry, Earl Of Arundel
his father → William FitzAlan, Sheriff of Shropshire
his father → William FitzAlan, Lord of Oswestry
his father → Alan FitzFlaald, Sheriff of Shropshire
his father → Flaald, Seneschal de Dol en Bretagne
his father → Alain "Dapifer" fitz Flaald, Seneschal of Dol
his father → Flaald, seneschal of Dol
his father → Hildeburge de Bellême
his mother → Yves de Creil, seigneur de Bellême
her father → Fulcuin de Belleme, Count Of Cordoba
his father → Yves de Creil
his father
Yves de Creil

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