I see the question, Haim, and i have had the same question. I am interested in FAME and in GOOD WORKS and in KNOWLEDGE, but not in mere celebrity -- so famous Rabbis and famous scientists interest me as much or more than famous actors, and far more than famous sports stars -- unless, of course, the actors and sports also do good works or contribute to knowledge (Hedy Lamar comes to mind).
Then come the questions --
1) How does one reconcile WIkipedia with the Jewish Encyclopedia? Was this a foolish mingling to begin with?
WIkipedia lists "notable people." I, for example, have a listing in Wikipedia. But i am an author, editor, and publisher, not a "celebrity."
The Jewish Encyclopedia lists "religious" and "socially important" Jews. I am not listed in the Jewish Encyclopedia. (LOL!)
I think that these two sources of verification of suitability -- Wikipedia and the Jewish Encyclopedia -- overlap a bit, like a Venn diagram, but they do not overlap enough to make for congruency.
2) Do any people in the wider world care about our Famous Rabbis -- or do they think us a strange bunch for considering our rabbis to be "celebrities"?
Would they list Catholic Bishops among "Christian Celebrities"? I think not. I am certainly just one of thousands of Jews who consider our Famous Rabbis to be "our" celebrities. But none of my Christian friends even know what the term "a prominent rabbinical family" means. Nor do they care. As far as they are concerned, we would be diluting the "Jewish Celebrity Calendar" by adding folks they've never heard of. What television show did Rabbi Akiva star in? How many Oscars did Hillel win? It's like comparing apples to oranges.
I think that someone (not me, but someone) should start a second calendar -- The Jewish Thinkers Calendar -- to include the rabbis and the scientists and the medical researchers and the philosophers.
A celebrity is not restricted to Show Business. See these:
Jewish celebrities and community leaders feature in 2017 birthday honours list
The celebrities of the Jews; a glance at the historical circumstances of the Jewish people from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present day. In two parts. Part I. 70-1290. By Avigdor Chaikin
Since I established my family tree for commemoration, joining the project seemed to me an act of commemoration. But then I ran into the questions I asked above.
I come from a huge Jewish family, it is very likely that there are people in my family in the field of entertainment (personally, it does not interest me at all)
There are curators who know me well, I very much hope that they will answer my question, because almost all my great grandfathers is written in Wikipedia and in the Jewish Encyclopedia. If I can add them to this project, This would be regarded by me as the commemoration of their memory,
Coming across https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/WikiTree-11 during a search for info. about J.D. Salinger's Lithuanian roots I wondered if the project should be renamed Notable Jewish birthday's: https://www.definitions.net/definition/notable, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/notable, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/notable, https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/notable
After reading the many replies here I think I'm going to disagree with myself (above)...and agree with Michael Vinegrad & others here!
At first thought ...Celebrity to me firstly refers to the Entertainment business...even some of the dictionaries define CELEBRITY: "... someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business"! However it really means someone who has become famous in just about any field....entertainment, the arts, medicine, food, et al.....especially through our expanded media these days.
So maybe we could separate out Jewish Entertainment Celebrities into it's own project. Then again how do we separate Neil Diamond & Groucho Marks from Rabbi Shmulie??
Wikipedia includes people from various fields: entertainment, economics, physics, and also very well-known rabbis. On the other hand, in the Jewish Encyclopedia there appear figures who influence the Jewish people
In the meantime, I tried to include only one great grandfather who is in a locked master profile: reb menachem mendel morgenstern-the kozker rebbe (founder of kozk chassidut )and still not approved
In the meantime, I see that in the project: television show hosts appear in the United States If they are more important than my great-grandfather to the Jewish world, I give up! Maybe I did not understand the project's intent correctly.
Haim Wartski, HaCohen, can you please link to your great-grandfather's profile? If it's the one I'm looking at (R' Mendel Meir Morgenstern of Kotzk-Sokolov), the profile is *not* locked, so I'd like to follow up on this gor you.
I am so glad that people are discussing this. As Haim's 10th cousin (by straight, presumed DNA links) i know that we are both referring to the same family -- the Teomin / Fraenkel / Wahl folks, and their descendants.
Haim, like you, i too wish to honour our ancestors. It is a matter of respect.
The narrow idea of "entertainment" celebrity has made it difficult, but rather than take away from those who built that list, i again speak for a SECOND list, and i like the title "Notable Jewish Birthdays," as suggested by Michael P. Vinegrad.
If every Jew at Wikipedia was listed, it would make for a very interesting list indeed.
Thanks, Ashley, for mentioning Rabbi Mendel Morgenstern of Kotzk-Sokolov -- my 10th cousin once removed -- and another descendant of the Teomin / Frankel group.
My way of personally paying recognition to my ancestors is to use Geni to "follow" every profile to which i am connected by "straight, blue DNA" linkage. Geni has no tool to do this automatically, so i add them one by one as i find them, and their siblings and children as well.
Haim, don;t give up! I think that the "Celebrity" calendar is very good for those who measure celebrity in that one way. We just need to start a project for those who measure contributions in other ways.
Private User
It should be noted that he was the most prominent and important admorim of all time:
He was the founder of kozk chassidut( and my great-grandfather 4th),from which many adomorim came out (including chassidut gur), all his sons (I am a direct descendant of his eldest son: Reb dovid morgenstern-the second admor of kozk) all his sons and all his grooms were made admorim after His death
Heeey Haim: I was easily able to get on:
Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, of Kotzk (1787 - 1859 ... - Geni
ALSO...My wife is the direct descendent of the Hager Rabinical Line .....and it seems is also related to Reb Morgenstern:
"Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, of Kotzk is your wife's third cousin once removed's wife's second great grandfather."
Norm Galston
I am very interested in adding him to the project, but as I wrote he is in a locked master profile, meanwhile neither of the curator has confirmed my request to add him
As for your wife: Go into my profile, there is information about my great- grandparents
And to which families I am a direct descendant, I would be happy if you would tell me if your wife and I are relatives
Hello again, Haim Wartski, HaCohen. I checked on this as promised, and the reason Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, Kotzker Rebbe isn't in the project is pretty simple -- he has no known birthday. If you can find a date of birth for him, then he can be added.
He is, however, already in several relevant projects, so he's hardly being overlooked by Geni projects in general. He just doesn't meet the criteria to be added to a birthday list.
hello ashley, I thank you for your response!!! i"m sorry, I don"t know the date of his birth. Here is a photograph of his grave (in fact it is a common grave to him and to my great-grandfather(3th): reb dovid and my two great uncles, the death date appears 27.1.1859 but not the date of his birth.
Perhaps in the books "the unbroken chain" the information exists?
Here is the site where his grave appears:
I will continue to search
. There is only one question left: about my great-grandfathers who appear in Wikipedia / Jewish Encyclopedia and know their birth dates, should I add them to the project? (they are all from the religious world and established Jewish settlements) or is the project for only for entertainment / sports...?
I have two distant cousins who arguably should be in the Jewish Celebrity project and should also be "MP"s: Sam Goody and Steven Lawrence Rattner. How can this be done? Thanks!
How about Gordon Sondland, 20th U.S. Ambassador to the European Union and Jessica Meir? They've both been in the news this week for very different reasons.
Private User
and his son(my great-grandfather{3}):rebbe dovid morgenstern-the srcond admor of kozk
deid in 17.7.1873
Their profiles:
Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, Kotzker Rebbe
Grand Rabbi David Morgenstern, 2nd Admor of Kotzk
Haim's question about how to handle a famous person with an unknown birth is a good one. Such profiles could be included in this project somehow, or a new project could be created for them. There probably aren't too many to justify a new project. Randy Schoenberg, thoughts?