Charlene Finley
Tish is a Finley! Charlene Finley
Tish is a Finley!
Hi Cousin Colleen :) I live on the U.S. East Coast. My Other-Half & I share our time between our home in south Florida and his work on Cape Cod managing a resort, and where I was an historian and manager of a Nat Geo museum until cancer forced me into retirement a couple of years ago. But my brain still works, so I devote my time to historical research and genealogy. It's my hope to create a massive family tree & heritage book to leave behind for my siblings and 1st cousins and their children.
"Just to add to it... "
Haha, I love it Dr. James David Cunningham !
I remember seeing Captain EO at Walt Disney World in the early 90's, but never knew it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola !
According to Geni, Anjelica Huston is connected to me via my 14th cousin once removed, Sen. Adlai Ewing Stevenson, III whose father's ex-partner, Marietta Endicott Tree , is an ex-partner of John Huston (Anjelica's father).
Go figure!
Dear Cuz James. Please try Frankincense for brain cancer. Base of the neck. Hope you're off meds and are in remission and can do the essential oils.
P.S. Don't forget to look into
Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn
John Wayne
Yes Myrrh and Frankincense! =) Love essential oils. Lemongrass for breast cancer, Lavender to lower blood pressure, May Chang oil for lung cancer! Talk to your doctor though if you're using medications that may interact. It's a little off topic.
Back to the other fun...
Katharine Hepburn
Ernest Hemingway
Neil Armstrong
Oh I'm sorry, there was a little misunderstanding. I don't have brain cancer. I have a metastasized rare, incurable, inoperable sarcoma called GIST (gastro-intestinal stromal tumors) which attacks the organs and tissues of the digestive system, just about anything in the abdomen except the heart and lungs. The tumors grow until they crowd out and crush everything in the abdomen. When I asked how many I have, the oncologist just looked at me and said "innumerable". Chemo dosage is every day for the rest of my life, but consists of a pill rather than radiation. I get to keep my hair, but the side effects are a weak immune system and constant intense pain in the muscles and joints, especially of the legs and feet. It is impossible to do any strenuous exercise, so my weight went from 200 to over 300. So when I said my brain still works, I just meant that, even though my body prevents me from working, at least I can still use my brain to study and work on my family genealogy. But thank you all for your kind words.
I LOVE essential oils - BUT - I have a pet and essential oils are deadly to them. It has been discovered that when the oil is defused and goes in the air, the pets breath it and it coats the inside of their lungs, and in time they will die from it - most people do not even realize their essential oils caused it. There are some people - and even pet friendly organizations - who say that there are a few essential oils that are safe around pets. But my question to that is, do I really want to take that chance with my precious pet? Nope. But I do love the smell when I'm in a shop that sells them.
-Katharine Heartburn, my 8th Cousin 3x Removed
(that's what I called her as a kid, LOL)
-Ernest Hemingway, my 14th Cousin 4x Removed AND 15th Cousin 1x Removed
-Neil Armstrong, my 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Speaking of astronauts, the Capt. Mark Kelly, U.S. Senator tree is terrible ! Can we improve ? He’s going to be my state’s senator, hopefully.
James David, wow. I don't know what to say. I believe in miracles and I hope you get that miracle and that you believe it's possible. Pets provide good therapy as does laughter and love. I send you every blessing and a quote from our cousin Audrey Hepburn (Audrey Kathleen Ruston) Audrey Hepburn who once famously said...
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
Thanks Foss, I do indeed believe in miracles, starting with the miracle that I'm still here after being diagnosed back in 2014.
I've got an adorable cat. I can't get over how smart it is. We've had it about 7 years now, since it was about 1 year old. He was a stray, and though it had no collar or tag or tattoo or microchip, we knew it had to have been abandoned by a previous owner because it was already potty trained. We live in a large condo complex which, at the time, didn't allow pets, and we saw this cat wandering about for a few months. Then one night, while we were in the pool, we saw it running around in the grass, and when it saw us it immediately ran to us "meow meow meowing" all the way. When it got to the pool it threw its paws over the edge and let them dangle, and looked at us with wide eyes and kept 'speaking' to us. We were immediately smitten by the kitten. LOL. So we decided to adopt him, and by another miracle the condo board suddenly changed its policy to allow pets. The reason I keep referring to this cat as "it" is because we still do not know whether it is male or female. Someone, perhaps its previous owner, committed genital mutilation on this precious animal, and not even the vet could tell its gender. I'm certain a blood test will tell, but we don't really care about its gender enough to waste the money. We often refer to it as "he", but we use both pink and blue collars and leashes. It took us two months to come up with a name. Since my partner's name is Tom, I came up with "Tom's Cat", a play on "tom cat", but he didn't like it. Then we took a three-day car trip, and kitty held up so well during that trip that we decided to name him after the car - "Beemer". LOL.
James..... you are one tough cookie...I admire your tenacity .... keep on being you .. I hope you and Tom and Beemer all have as much quality time together as possible ..... and I agree with the oils doing damage to animals and it does the same thingto humans..... mostly because I have TILT ( Multiple reactions to chemicals and odours etc ) and the smell from these things knocks me flat for days ... I have a 24/7 carer who had to give up SSSSOOOOOOO much to look after me.... but she does it with ease.... lucky for me...I would hate to have to break in a new one .......been looking after me since 1998 ... with out her I would have been dead before I hit 50 .. am now 70 so very lucky take care mate .. xo
Erica Howton, I found an obituary for Mark Kelly's father, Richard. I've sent a message to the active manager of Richard's profile asking permission to update, using the obituary as a source.
My mom was against essential oils (same kind of avoidance ideas as you both mention above) and then on day she got the shingles. Eventually she came around and cured herself with geranium oil. Husband swears by my home remedy of Thieves oil and Airborne if he even has a hint of being sick.
BTW, Our doggie does just fine with the oils in the diffuser.
Loved it when I read that my Forbes cousin has a perfumery based on essential oils: