I'm no genealogist or curator, but in raising an eyebrow or two at the relation between the Gardner family, the Coddington connection (i'ma descendant of Benjamin Coddington Sr. b. 1680 on my mom's side) - The eyebrow raiser?
It said i was the descendant of pocahontas.
Now, according to GENI i'm a cousin somewhere down the line on my mother's side.
That's the profile they have.
On geni the line goes:
→ Mary Somerville
your mother → John Roger STEPHENS
her father → William Roger STEPHENS
his father → Ida May COOPER
his mother → Lydia (Hay) COOPER
her mother → Lydia (Hinkle) HAY
her mother → Asa HINKLE
her father → Lydia Cook Hinkle Hutchings
his mother → Asa COOK, Sr.
her father → Jacob COOKE, III
his father → Lydia (Miller) COOKE
his mother → Margaret (Winslow) MILLER
her mother → Josias WINSLOW
her father → Edward WINSLOW
his father → Kenelm Winslow, of Kempsey & Worcester
his father → Thomas Winslow, of Sevenstoke & Kempsey
his father → Esquire Thomas William WINSLOW, Esq
his father → Agnes (Throckmorton) WINSLOW
his mother → Elizabeth (Throckmorton) RUSSELL
her sister → Robert RUSSELL
her son → Sir John Russell, MP
his son → Lady Agnes (Russell) JENNER
his daughter → Joanna Jenner
her daughter → John ROLFE, of Heacham
her son → Captain John Rolfe, Ancient Planter
his son → Pocahontas
his wife
....Making me related only via her husband, sorry my mistake :P
I'm not saying Geni is incorrect, in fact USUALLY i find geni to be far better curated.
Am i to trust the familysearch one?
Or am i just dreaming about the colors in my wind? :P
Notice the curator notes:
Henry Rolfe was born in 1585 in Wiltshire, England and died in 1643 in Massachusetts. He married his cousin Honour Rolfe in 1631. They had four children. Henry Rolfe is NOT the brother of Ancient Planter John Rolfe
Captain John Rolfe, Ancient Planter
John Rolfe, son of John Rolfe and Dorothea Mason, was born in 1585 in England and died in 1622 in Jamestown Settlement, Virginia. Married (1)Sarah Hacker, died in Bermuda; (2) Pocahontas, died in England; (3) Jane Pierce. One child with each wife.
No relationship & they’re from different parts of England.
I didn't LITERALLY think Pocahontas had kids, and remember from research she died in england.
Since we're related the app is no longer working, our group went to using familysearch's relative finder, and i SWEAR it's a pain. I use geni more often than the other, and it's nice to get records from family search but yea.. thank you for this :)
Don't disregard Geni's match up. The app that they use is pretty accurate. Your line does go back into England before it links up here in the United States. We all can't pick and choose how our limbs fall into our trees. I am a direct descendant of Matoaka (Pocahontas) - My line looks like this: Me - Dad: John Hayes, Grandmother: Lillie Gay, Gr8 Grandfather: McCoy Gay, Gr8Gr8 Grandfather: Elijah Gay, 3Gr8 Grandfather: Henry Gay, 4th Gr8 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bowling, 5th Gr8 Grandfather: John Bowling, 6th Gr8 Grandmother: Jane Rolfe who married Robert Bowling, 7th Gr8 Grandfather: Thomas Rolfe who married Jane Poythress, 8th Gr8 Grandmother: Pocahontas
Pocahontas son with John Rolfe --- Thomas Rolfe is VERY WELL documented.
Pocahontas, who adopted the Christian name of Rebecca,[1][2] married John Rolfe on April 5, 1614 in Jamestown. Rolfe's longtime friend, Reverend Richard Buck presided the wedding.[3] They had one child, Thomas Rolfe, who was born in Virginia on January 30, 1615.
Jane Rolfe was born in Varina, Henrico County, Virginia on October 10, 1650 [4] to Thomas Rolfe and his wife, Jane Poythress, whose parents were Francis Poythress and Alice Payton of England.[5][6][7]
In about 1675, Jane married Robert Bolling of Prince George County, Virginia. Their son John was born on January 27, 1676. Jane is said to have died shortly afterward.[4]
John Bolling married Mary Kennon, daughter of Richard Kennon and Elizabeth Worsham of Conjurer's Neck.[4] The couple had six surviving children, each of whom married and had surviving children.[8]
As a result, many Americans are today able to claim descent from Pocahontas through her great-grandson, John Bolling.
Ok SO NOW the devil isin the details.
Lieut. Thomas Pepsironemeh ROLFE is your 7th cousin 11 times removed.
So according to Geni, i'm not descended from Pocahontas, - or maybe I'm not sure, probably not?
Family search lists here as a so many generaitons back Great Grandmother.
The ONLY side of mine that has HUGE ties to Virginia and the rest of that area would bemy dad's side, but both Family Search adn Geni list her so far as my mom's side via Thomas Rolfe.
I"ll double check my grandma's side on dad's in a minute, that requires some extra effort LOL.
Ok so i've done some digging and none of this arguing on the ancestry boards matches my line.
However there's a mix of Anna Rolfe, who is NOT listed on geni as Pocahontas's descendant - who married a Richard Gardener
According to geni it's not Pocahontas i'm related to but Captain Rolfe.
According to Family Search, someone's merged a bunch of weird stuff and the discussion on Ancestry gets weirder with some innacurate biography of the Barnett line (which is not the line in question for me?) - a line which the Pochontas descendants do NOT recognize... yet everyone's arguing again online about "Y NO NATIVE IN MY DNA" - which is the rolling eye factor of "Because it doesn't always show as that, OR it varies on the company."
So the lines i've been presented on Family Search stems trhough my mother's side.
There's an Anna Rolfe, who married a Richard Gardner.
She's not listed on Geni, and i should check if i have her listed because i'm not sure if she IS accurate to my line or not.
I'm still confused. XD
In knowing now i can't edit my posts i apologize for the MASS POSTING LOL
Ok so there's two honor rolfes, same family.. i'm confused.
Honor Rolfe, of Wiltshire
Honour Rolfe (Rolfe)
SO, my connection to the Rolfes is through the Gardner and the Coddington families on one line, but that's not the ONLY line lol. That's the NOTED connection via FamilySearch, and the query i have on that, is how Anna Gardner got tagged as Pocahontas's daughter on there.
So via that line i'm CONNECTED but not literally .
OK so now i just got it in my thick skull that the ROLFE line is getting muddled on FS and in my brain.
Ok, so the Anna Gardner via the Rolfes is NOT THE SAME ROLFE.
That clears that.
Ok so the Coddington-Gardner connection to Pocahontas is incorrect.
Dunno why FS is so wildly not curated :(
I'm not seriously worried about it, i would hate to claim a relation to someone when i'm THIS WHITE - I respect Pocahontas and her descendants, etc - but as far as the family has said there's been no native americans married into the family (that isn't to say that there WASN'T anything there, just that proving this via DNA or otherwise would be either moot or a nightmare. xD)
I'm sorry i wasted everyone's time LMAO.
Thank you TO EVERYONE for the fact it took days for my brain to register what you guys all meant.