Under the personal tab is a field for ethnicity.
We don’t know the background of Sookie (Su-Gi) "Granny Hopper" McDaniel
My thought would be to fill in the “ethnicity” field for her and her daughter as “said to be Native American”
In hindsight, I feel I was WRONG to agree to the disconnection from this line. I ended up deleting her from my Ancestry tree and deleting my ENTIRE gedcom on Gedmatch but THAT did NOT stop the DNA matches from coming on AncestryDNA and Thrulines, etc.
I ended up reporting the curator for saying she EVISCERATED the line. I UNfriended said curator on Facebook over the incident.
Some day, CODIS and genealogy will walk hand-in-hand.
In the meantime, let THIS comment serve as a reminder.....There may be spurious trees but the "DNA don't lie"...
Alexander McDaniel’s children were all born after 1790. Katy McDaniel’s children were not named McDaniel. James Hicks provided “Granny” with a long list of undocumented children, including a Susannah, but no spouses, no children, and there is no mention of any of these people in any Cherokee records.