Hi everyone. In advance, Id like to say thank you for any assistance/guidance. It has been a very frustrating journey to locate family from my mother's side-and I think its because we've searched for so long and we just want to tell our mother some news..after all she is in her mid 70s now and her memory is starting to fail.
My mother was born Mirella Varesco (was recorded in USA immigration as Varesco but I believe Vareško is more accurate) and was born in Pola in 1942. We know her mother was Fiorina Varesco (or Vareško). Sadly my mother was in an orphanage until she was 9 years old. She was adopted and taken to USA in 1951 from Bremerhaven, Germany (a whole other understanding of how she came to get there for another day and more research).
I did hire a professional to assist with getting more information and we are waiting on the final report but she was able to tell me the following:
""I have received two documents from the archive (created during the Italian reign over Istria). One is for Mirella and one is for Fiorina. The document for Mirella doesn't have information regarding her father, just her mother. It says that she lived in the village, Vareski piccoli; which is today the village Vareski Mali. She was born in Pola. That means "small" Vareski. It was common practice in the Croatian lands, that villages (especially small ones) got their names from the surname of a family, whose ancestors were at some point numerous in that place. Fiorina Varesco was born on 8.10.1922. in comune Dignano (today Vodnjan). She lived in Varesci piccoli, then for some time, in Carnizza (today Krnica) and then in Pola. Her father's name was Giovanni (in Croatian Ivan) and mother was Eufemia Perzan. Those are Croatian surnames, and it's true forms are Percan and Varesko as written in the Croatian language with diacritic mark over the letter "s". Unfortunately, registry books from period around 1920 (when Fiorina was born) are in the registry office and cannot be examined. These are needed in order to try to find her possible siblings. But it is possible that the archive in Zagreb has a copy of a book (Status animarum) of church census for the beginning of the 20 century, which might contain data for a later period. If not, there is a possibility that the local parish has it. Maybe the priest will be kind and help. But first I have to figure it out in which parish Fiorina was born."
I will wait on the final report as I try to be as patient as possible and will update this posting.
Pozdrav svima iz srca Bosne.Bilo bi korisno svima kada bi se štampale stare knjige iz samostana koje sadrže veoma vrijedne podatke važne za historiju Balkana i dalje ali i pretke mnogih od nas. Ne daju nam niti da ih dotaknemo a kamo li čitamo ili skeniramo.U mom kraju je tako ponovo štampana knjiga koja je bila rijetki primjerak koja je danas svakome dostupna ,knjiga se zove Visočka nahiija.Tragam za svojim precima u nadi da ću napisati jednog dana i knjigu Moji preci od postanka ...Lp svima
Knjigu „Stanje duša obitelji“ / „Status Animarum“ neće se dobiti nigdje u Hrvatskoj od župnika, a kamoli iz Arhiva Splitsko-makarske nadbiskupije, ili iz bilo koje druge biskupije i nadbiskupije u HR. Naravno, uvijek postoje i dobri svećenici župnici koji mogu (ako žele) dati na uvid knjigu da se pogleda u župnom uredu bez obzira na lokalitet u Hrvatskoj, pa tako u Istri ili i Dalmaciji. Godinama se traži samo jedan podatak i na to se nikad ne dobije odgovor, a kamoli mogućnosti dobiti skeniranu knjigu Stanje duša obitelji.
I have an update! I received a final report from the researcher. We now know our great great grandmother and grandfather (Antonius & Maria Vareško). Our great grandparents (Joanes/Joannes & Eufemia Vareško) had 10 children! Sadly 6 of them did not survive and died within 6 months of birth. The remaining children: Joanes, Catharina, Fiorina (my grandmother) & Rocco all seem to survive to adults. I believe my mother met Rocco and had been the one to arrange Fiorina and my mother's meeting. Rocco immigrated to New York City and died in 2008. He had a wife Ana in Croatia but unsure if she died before immigrating. He remarried in 1982 and I will see if Ana and Rocco had any children in Croatia. No information on Catharina band her birth date. Joanes died when he was 25 in 1941-perhaps during the war. The research continues!
Poštovani sudionici ove rasprave u pogledu upita o podacima Vareško i Percan,
pronađeni su svi podaci o članovima njene obitelji sve do djedova, pradjedova i pra-pradjedova svih članova obitelji s podacima o njihovim rođenjima, vjenčanjima i smrti.
Gospođa je obaviještena o pronalascima još 24.12.2018, međutim nije odgovorila na poruku, u međuvremenu nastavlja sa raspravom 5.1.2019 gdje navodi da joj nedostaju podaci za određene osobe, za koje također raspolažem podacima. Nije mi jasno što ona želi, osim što navodi da ima angažiranog istražitelja/istražiteljicu za koje doista ne znam koje izvore koriste.
Poštovani gosp. Private User možda da napišete Lisi na engleski.
Lisa M Langrell Did you read message what Ivica wrote to you about information of your ancestors. You received a message by him on date 24 Dec 2018, but you didn't answer . He have a data information what you are looking for and what you wrote in previous comment in discussion.
Srdačan pozdrav / Regards
Poštovani Gosp. Ozren,
Zahvaljujem na pomoći u pogledu kontakta sa gđom Lisom, koja mi se upravo prije 2 sata javila porukom da je bila odsutna i nije stigla odgovoriti. Iako navodi da ima razne podatke, samo se nije izjasnila koje, vidim da nedostaju pojedini te sam joj poslao iznova poruku i kontakt mail adresu. Dva sam tjedna radio na tome i prikupio sve relevantne podatke o njenim precima. Hvala na pomoći🤗