→ Francis Seymour Fairbridge
his father → Dr. James William Fairbridge
his father → Elizabeth Fairbridge
his mother → Colonel Thomas Traill of Holland
her father → George Traill of Westness
his father → Alexander Traill of Blebo
his father → Agnes Traill
his mother → Sir Alexander Bruce, 1st of Earlshall
her father → Sir John Bruce of Stanehouse
his brother → William Bruce
his son → Janet Bruce
his daughter → Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich & Monquhany, Kt.
her son → Michael Balfour, 1st Lord Balfour of Burleigh
his son → Margaret Balfour, Baroness Balfour of Burleigh
his daughter → Anne Balfour
her daughter → Jean Wemyss
her daughter → John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland
her son → Jean Gordon, of Sutherland
his daughter → Elizabeth Lauderdale
her daughter → Nancy Susan Hutchinson
her daughter → Susannah Wells
her daughter → Simon Peter Wells
her son → Commodore Perry Wells
his son → Richard Mack Wells
his son → Walter "Pawpaw" Wells
his son → Betty Sue Wells
his daughter → Johnny Depp
her son
Johnny Depp is your 10th cousin.
→ your mother Shirley Ann Collins
→ her mother Nellie Marie Hunter
→ her mother Phoebe Jeanette Goosman
→ her mother Lavina Ruth Hendershot
→ her father William Pittman
→ his mother Betheanna Pittman
→ her father Jacob Truax
→ his mother Rebecca Abigail Truax
→ her father Elias Stillwell, I
→ his mother Rebecca Stillwell
→ her brother John Elias Bayless, II
→ his son Daniel Bayless, I
→ his son Daniel Bayless, II
→ his son Reuben Bayless
→ his daughter Mary-Margaret Wood
→ her daughter Mary Gibson Reneau
→ her daughter Mariba Elizabeth Depp
→ her son Oren Robert Depp
→ his son Oren Larimore Depp
→ his son John Christopher Depp, Sr.
→ his son Johnny Depp
→ Barbara Sue Konkler
your mother → Daphne Gay Brewer
her mother → Elizabeth "Bess" Wolfe (Patton)
her mother → Susan Patton
her mother → William Huff
her father → Nancy Huff
his mother → Granville "Green" Slone
her brother → Wiley Slone
his son → May Whitaker
his daughter → Bessie Irene Wells
her daughter → Betty Sue Wells
her daughter → Johnny Depp
her son
→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Experience Wheeler
his mother → Ephraim Wheeler
her father → Prudence Wheeler
his mother → Persis Hewitt
her mother → Samuel Cleveland
her father → Ann Cleveland
his mother → Edward Winn
her father → Edward Wynne
his father → George Wynne
his father → Jane Bulkeley
his mother → Catherine Bulkeley
her mother → Elsbeth Griffith, of Penrhyn
her sister → Morgan Phillips
her son → Sir John Phillips, 1st Baronet of Picton Castle
his son → Robert Phillips
his son → Amy Tipton
his daughter → Jonathan Tipton
her son → Jonathan Tipton
his son → Elizabeth Reneau
his daughter → John Reno
her son → Isaac Tipton Reneau
his son → Mariba Elizabeth Depp
his daughter → Oren Robert Depp
her son → Oren Larimore Depp
his son → John Christopher Depp, Sr.
his son → Johnny Depp
his son
Surprised I was as close to him as I was, we share 5th great Grandparents. The NA part of the heritage he claims is through Mary Alice Slone (Sizemore), "Granny Alice" both of our 6th great grandmother.
Mary Alice “ Little Granny Alice” (Sizemore) Slone
One quote:
Darleen Flanagan says:
Death note
"Little Granny Alice, lived to be about 100 years of age. Alice was an Indian, and was found dead without her head, legend has it that since she was married to a white man, the Indians did not like it and decapitated her. They never found her head, so she was buried without it."
Johnny Depp is my 7th cousin 1x removed
Lloyd there a Native American Sizemore in the Whitaker line I showing for Johnny Depp here.
Here that Whitaker Line that goes to Sizemores and Chief Goldenhawk Sizemore. Check out Catherine Sizemore.
Ancestery giving me this relationship
Catherine "Caty" Sizemore
mother-in-law of 4th cousin 4x removed
Catherine "Caty" Sizemore (1835 - 1907)
mother-in-law of 4th cousin 4x removed
Silas "Si" Montgomery Jr. (1869 - 1961)
Son of Catherine "Caty" Sizemore
Jane Fletcher (1875 - 1965)
Wife of Silas "Si" Montgomery Jr.
Nancy Margaret Whitaker (1839 - 1903)
Mother of Jane Fletcher
Francis Asberry "frank" Whitaker (1796 - 1863)
Father of Nancy Margaret Whitaker
Reverand Mark R Whitaker II (1748 - 1814)
Father of Francis Asberry "frank" Whitaker
Mary Ann Wilson (1729 - 1797)
Mother of Reverand Mark R Whitaker II
Thomas Wilson (1691 - 1744)
Father of Mary Ann Wilson
William Wilson (1722 - 1801)
Son of Thomas Wilson
George B Wilson (1740 - 1859)
Son of William Wilson
Thomas Wesley Wilson (1782 - 1862)
Son of George B Wilson
Elizabeth Ann Wilson (1818 - 1854)
Daughter of Thomas Wesley Wilson
William H Potts (1840 - 1866)
Son of Elizabeth Ann Wilson
Alonzo Buck "Lon" Potts (1877 - 1955)
Son of William H Potts
Freda Belle Potts (1910 - 1975)
Daughter of Alonzo Buck "Lon" Potts
Virginia 'Jenny' Lee Myers (1941 - 2006)
Daughter of Freda Belle Potts
Billie June Bright
You are the daughter of Virginia 'Jenny' Lee Myers
Love to see how Johnny Depp connects to Sizemores
Johnny connects to the Sizemore lineage in the same way I do, fifth great grandmother to "Granny Alice" Slone (Sizemore).
Mary Alice Slone is Johnny Depp's fifth great grandmother.
Johnny Depp
Betty Sue Wells
his mother
Bessie Irene Wells
her mother
May Whitaker
her mother
Wiley Slone
her father
Granville "Green" Slone
his father
Isham "Old Isom" Adkins Slone
his father
Mary Alice Slone ("Granny Alice")
his mother
Granny Alice is Johnny's closest relative to the Sizemore's, which I believe is his closest "supposed" NA blood. I say "supposed" because I believe the "jury is still out" on Mary Alice Sizemore's actual NA heritage.
Actually Johnny is somehow a generation closer to Granny Alice than I. She is my 6th Great Grandmother and his fifth. Johnny and I merge at Granny Alice and her husband Isham "Old Isom" Adkins Slone. My line goes down through their daughter Nancy Huff (Slone),
Nancy Huff
Johnny's goes down through their son Greenville "Green" Slone. Greenville "Green" Slone
Greenville is my 5th great uncle, Nancy is Johnny's 4th great aunt.
The common link on my lines is Reverend Mark R Whitaker. All these Whitaker listed are all family. Lol. The Whitaker has connection to Sizemores and Native American heritage as well so looks like they all married them.
Billie June Keaffaber
You → Virginia Lee Bright (Myers)
your mother → Freeda Belle Myers
her mother → Alonzo Buck Potts
her father → Private William H. Potts, (CSA)
his father → Elizabeth Ann Potts
his mother → Thomas Wesley Wilson
her father → George Wilson
his father → William Wilson
his father → Mary Whitaker
his sister → Rev. Mark R. Whitaker
her son → James Oak Whitaker
his son → Pvt. William C. Whitaker, USA
his son → Branch Whitaker
his son → Bessie Irene Wells
his daughter → Betty Sue Wells
her daughter → Johnny Depp
her son
I wish to see more clear my relation to Johnny Depp
Kind regards
Barbro Kerstin Elvira Linholm, 25 june 1950, Jakobstad, Finland
( even Kerstin Barbro Elvira Lindholm)
Johnny Depp is your 14th cousin.
→ Johan Krijn Temmink
your father → Bastiaan Temmink
his father → Bastiaan Temmink
his father → Krijntje Meurs
his mother → Leunis Meurs
her father → Jannetje van der Linde
his mother → Jannetje Martinis van Dam
her mother → Maarten Maartensz Van Dam
her father → Neeltje Jansdr de Witte
his mother → Catharina Gerritsd Witte
her mother → Lijsbet Van Houten
her mother → Catalijn Aarts van Deijl
her mother → Aert Sebastiaens van de Burghgraeff
her father → Count Sebastian Adriaensz van den Burgrave
his father → Hendrick Adriaen Burghgraeff
his brother → Maycke Hendrickse Hendrieux Van Der Burchgraeff
his daughter → Margrietje Cornelise ‘Grietje’ van Ness
her daughter → Cornelius Pieterse Wyckoff
her son → John Cornelise Wyckoff
his son → Jacobus Jan Wyckoff
his son → Willemptje Stout
his daughter → James Abel Stout
her son → Ephraim H. Stout
his son → Elizabeth Jane Bailey
his daughter → Joseph Taylor Bailey
her son → Mary Edna Grinstead
his daughter → Violet Mattie Depp
her daughter → John Christopher Depp, Sr.
her son → Johnny Depp
his son