Hello Cousins! I am descended from Aaron Nix and Nancy Stewart. Doubly so actually, since my dad's parents were Nix first cousins!
I am wondering how we know....
1. John's Nix's wife Sarah's last name was WInters? (I have found no record.) And if so,
2. That this Sarah WInters (the woman in this profile) was the daughter of the Moses Winters who was an original settler of Nashville?
Sarah was with her family in middle Tennessee in 1780. A chronicler of the trip says she was 14 at the time, putting her DOB at 1766. This means she would have had to travel back to GA in order to marry a boy she met in childhood - which may have been possible but not very likely. I would love to find more concrete evidence, given that Moses Winters' story is so astounding. We do know that Moses' daughter Sarah married a Nicks (from his Will) but, again, I have found no evidence showing this was our John Nix.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Cousin Aaron from Memphis