When did Lajos TOTTIS change his name to LASZLO

Started by Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 on Sunday, November 18, 2018
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Lajos Laszlo, the uncle changed his name from Lajos TOTTIS to Lajos LASZLO sometime between 1895 and 1921. Does anyone know when?

His nephew Lajos László changed his name from Lajos TOTTIS to Lajos LASZLO in 1907

Did other family members change their names at the same time as Lajos, the uncle or Lajos, the nephew?

Private User
11/19/2018 at 12:05 AM

Arnold Tottis is listed as marrying Gizella in 1897
He was still Arnold Tottis in 1923 - 1935 when his children married, and when his son Sandor Tottis died in 1944.

His son Lajos b 1870 and Grandson Lazslo b1895 changed their own surnames from Tottis to Lazslo in 1907 using the same document reference number.

Felvett vezetéknév: László Eredeti (alias) vezetéknév: Tottis
Utóneve(k): Lajos Vallása: izr.
Lakhelye: Budapest Polgári állása: mag. hiv.
Születési helye: Budapest Születési éve: 1870 Kora: 37
Az engedélyt tartalmazó BM rendelet száma/évszáma: 6955/1907

There is no evidence of any of any other children or grandchildren of Arnold Tottis having done changed their surnames at any time.

Post script. I have added another daughter of Arnold to the tree. She married twice, both times as Ibolya Tottis. Roy

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