Rabbi Isaac Wolf Bunim-Meisels, of Vilna - A mistake with parents

Started by Netanel Isaiah Frisch on Thursday, November 15, 2018
Showing all 7 posts
11/15/2018 at 2:59 PM

Rabbi Isaac Wolf Bunim-Meisels, of Vilna wasn't g.son of REMA. It isn't possible he married his sister.

11/15/2018 at 5:41 PM

Malka Mysels,

Can you have a look at this.

11/16/2018 at 12:37 AM

hi netanel(my 10th cousin),
Both the rema and Rabbi Isaac Wolf Bunim-Meisels, of Vilna, are my great grandfather, from two different directions. I did not see that he was the son of the rema or his sister's husband. Did I miss something? Where is this information written in geni? (I only refer to information that appears in master profiles)

11/18/2018 at 9:18 AM

Son of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meisels, [ABD Krakow] and Dreisel Meisels (Isserles)
Husband of Leah Meisels
Father of Rabbi Moshe HaCohen Meisels, [Ba'al "Mahadura Batra"]; Rabbi Binyamin Shimon Zeev Wolf Ashkenazi, [of Vilna]; Simcha Simon-Binyamin Wulf ben Isaac Wolf, of Vilna; NN Loeb; NN Sundel and 4 others
Brother of ***Leah Meisels***; Moshe Eliezer Meisels; Shulem Meisel; Miriam Meisels; Shimon Wulfe Meiseles; and Yehuda Leib Meisels, ABD in Belarus? « less

That from Rabbi Isaac Master Profile page.

He can't be brother of his wife Leah Meisles.
Leah was g.son of the Rema, because that her family was so famous they take her parent's surname, bur Rabbi Isaac surname wasn't Meisles

11/18/2018 at 2:46 PM

Thanks. I removed his parents. He should be a Bunzel (= Bunim) from Prague or Jungbunzlau.


1/7/2019 at 5:24 AM

Thanks! but for now, Leah Meisles the true daughter of Rabbi Simcha and Dreisel record as daughter in-law of them.

4/15/2019 at 3:03 AM

I remind you to change Rabbi Isaac Bunim's Parents, his wife Leah was the daugter of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meisles and Dreisel the famous daughter of ''Rema''. Rabbi Isaac father named Yosef of Lublin.

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