John Adams, 2nd President of the USA, Signer of the Declaration of Independence is my 13th cousin five times removed.
You=Susan Louise Darnell
→ John "Jack" Asbury Darnell
your father → George Leonard Darnell
his father → John Taylor Darnell
his father → William Whittington Darnall
his father → Randolph Railey Darnall
his father → Aaron Darnell
his father → John Darnall
his father → Morgan Darnell
his father → Morgan Darnall
his father → Dr. David Darnall
his father → John Darnall
his father → Philip Darnall
his father → Mary Tooke Darnall
his mother → William Tooke, II
her father → Alice Tooke
his mother → Joan Barley
her mother → Sir William Skipwith of Ormsby
her father → Margery Fitzhugh
his mother → Sir Thomas Willoughby, Knt.
her brother → Sir William Willoughby, Kt.
his son → Cecily Sutton
his daughter → John Sutton, 3rd Baron Dudley
her son → Elizabeth Goulding
his daughter → Elizabeth Goulding
her daughter → Thomas Leids
her son → Jane Brown
his daughter → Anne Hutchinson Hawkes (Browne)
her daughter → Susanna Cogswell
her daughter → Susannah White
her daughter → Ann Boylston (White)
her daughter → Susanna Adams (Boylston)
her daughter → John Adams, 2nd President of the USA, Signer of the Declaration of Independence
her son