Marc Matthews - Why do some living members seem to refuse to communicate or want to share research?

Started by Marc Matthews on Saturday, October 20, 2018
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10/20/2018 at 8:30 AM

Just a Personal Comment: I personally get a kick from this "Geni Site" when it reflects I am genealogically connected to a lot of well known dead folks with famous names, which is fun information to see. "However" what is very disappointing about this site (or some of it's members) is, when I have actually found a possible living relative on this Geni Site with the same Sur-name of Mathews/Matthews as mine, and they claim on their profile to be connected to many of my proven relatives known to be on my tree, and have specific DNA listed, but they do not seem to want to communicate with me, to share any research. I wonder sometimes why even they are associated with a genealogical web site like Geni? I thought the reason of this type of site, is to find relatives and family connections, that we may have never known existed, and to share research data when we do connect with a member. Regards, Marc Matthews

10/20/2018 at 9:23 AM

I am so sorry that some of your newly found relatives are not wanting to communicate!

But people come on to a Geni for all sorts of reasons. And some are more private than others.

I hope you find congenial relatives soon!

10/20/2018 at 9:51 AM

Well, Hello Cousin: we're 12th cousins, once-removed.
Our MRCA (most recent common ancestor) is George Cotton, of Combemere George Cotton, of Combemere

He is my 11th GGF:

Me, Marvin Loyd Welborn → Henry Marvin Welborn my father → Emma Corine Welborn (Bombard) his mother → Emma Elizabeth Davis (Bombard) her mother → Isabelle Davis (Bynum) her mother → Robert W Bynum her father → Elizabeth Bynum (Mitchell) his mother → Lydia Mitchell (Wheeler) her mother → Jonathan Wheeler, I her father → Martha Wheeler (Salisbury) his mother → William Salisbury, Jr. her father → Susannah Salisbury (Cotton) his mother → Thomas Cotton her father → George Cotton, of Combemere his father

Then... → Mary Hotchkiss Bulkeley (Cotton) his sister → John Thomas Hotchkiss her son → Samuel Hotchkiss, Sr. his son → Sgt. Daniel Hotchkiss his son → Obediah Hotchkiss his son → Lois Matthews (Hotchkiss) his daughter → Abner S. Matthews, II her son → Abner Matthews, Rev his son → Smith Griffin Matthews his son → George McDonald Matthews his son → George Alphonse Matthews, Dr. his son → James Joseph Matthews his son → You, yourself, Marc Matthews his son

You've never tried to contact me, but I must warn you: I'm Extremely busy, but will attempt to respond.

Brs, your 12th Cousin, once removed, Marvin Loyd Welborn

10/20/2018 at 10:52 AM

Ah, the Cottons. One of them was the famous antiquarian who donated what are now the Cotton manuscripts to the British Library (then the British Museum) — Robert Bruce Cotton

10/20/2018 at 1:27 PM

Hi, cousins! Geni says we are 8th cousins 1X, through Deacon william Douglas. However, George Cotton of Combemere is also my GGF, so that would be another line

10/20/2018 at 11:27 PM

Hi Marc,

Geni says we’re 10th cousins

Capt. John Moss Was one of the earliest settlers of New Haven, and signed the original compact in New Haven in 1639.

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