I'll attach the pie chart referred to under Media tab.
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Subject: Liebenberg/Raath Family Chart
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2017 20:48:06 +0200
From: lewis walter <lewiswalter@xsinet.co.za>
To: John Nel <john.nel003@gmail.com>, romayne Stableford <romayne.stableford@gmail.com>, Anne Klopper <arkman@global.co.za>, Marie Field <mfield@xsinet.co.za>, Kathy Loney <katloney@gmail.com>, Lynette Paxton <thepaxtons@cybersmart.co.za>, GRANT LONEY <grant.periperi@gmail.com>, Pieter Fourie <bergrivolive@patat.co.za>, Stan and Doreen Raath <stananddoreen15@gmail.com>, Rudy de Beer <rolex.east@gmail.com>, Annie Loney <annie.loney@lasalle.com>
Dear Cousins,
For the past few years I have been tracing the story of Sara Liebenberg
and her brother and sister, who were captured by the Matabele in an
attack on their trek near what is now Parys, in 1836. The head of the
family, Barend Godlieb Liebenberg, and most of the family and servants
were killed in the attack. I knew there must be a family connection,
but it was only when John Nel sent me the attached "pie chart" that I
realized we are directly descended from Barend Liebenberg.
Anne Klopper and John Nel gave me various very useful leads, and I have
eventually put together the story in what is probably as close to the
truth as one may get. This has involved a lot of research, and has been
checked by a couple of experts. It covers the period from when the
family left the Eastern Cape in January 1836 to the deaths of Sara and
her brother Christiaan in the 1840s/50s, in what eventually became Rhodesia.
It covers eight pages, and I don't want to bung up your computers !
Please let me know if you would like me to e-mail you a copy.
Best wishes,
Lewis Walter
(My mother was Mildred (Milly) Walter, nee Barnet. Her mother was
Martha Maria (Mattie) Barnet, nee Raath., and her father was George William Barnet)
Fish Hoek, Cape