Maria Catharina Oduber (Beaujon) - This is a fake incorrect account created by a non family member name Elton (Joshua) Jeremy Lacle.

Started by Suzanne Oduber on Saturday, August 11, 2018
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8/11/2018 at 4:51 PM

@Maria Catharina Oduber (Beaujon) @Richard Johannus Beaujon @Elton (Joshua) Jeremy Lacle @Jan van der Biest Beaujon @Frederika (Freda) Augustina Krottnauer @Harmen Polidor Oduber, Sr @Harmen Polidor Oduber, Jr @Ann Mildred Eman-Oduber @Anna Catharina Beaujon @John Francis Oduber @<Prívate> Frank Beaujon @Suize Altagracia Oduber @<prívate> Oduber of all Bibi Franken (which I believe was Bibi Frank instead), was not an ex-partner of Richard Johannus Beaujon, but a family household maid. <private> Frank Beaujon is not a half-sibling of Maria Catharina van def Biest Beaujon Oduber (my Grandmother’s Official name), and I believe this is concerning Bibi’s son, Vi Frank or Franken, accoring to his Mother’s true kast name. His children are not cousins of my dad John Francis Oduber, and his two other siblings. Their official cousins from this side of the family went by the namens Jeens and Trixie Beaujon (sadly they are both deceased, just like my dad’s two siblings). Finally, Freda’s son, Richard Krottnauer, os another cousin. From the Oduber side of the family,their other cousins are the children of Daniel Oduber, who was once President of Costa Rica. In addition,Horacio Oduber and other Children stemming from my granfater, Harmen Polidor Oduber Sr, ar also direct cousins. My dad, John Francis Oduber, was not born between 1905-1937 and did not die October 18, 1937. He is still alive and not 113 years old. My mother is not a vampire born in 1807 having children with a dead baby. The person who created this and is managing all these accounts is a fake, not a direct family member, and I would like to request any legal documentation stating otherwise. He has violated both Geni Privacy Policies an US Privacy Protection Laws, by displaying sensitive information for the Public, without permission from the family he is falsely pretending to belong to, disclosing incorrect information, has been asked to correct and remove but intentionally keeps ignoring any attempt to do so and rectify, and needs to be held liable. I am a prior victim of Identity Theft and after coming across this breach of confidential and sensitive information for public display, is very likely how they were able to do so. This has resulted in great distress and agony, cost me much money and time to rectify, and obviously is still an invasion of privacy, which Elton (Joshua) Jeremy Lacle is knowingly refusing to adhere to in order to rectify and avoid any further or new forms of identity theft to myself and all other family members listed on here, with easy access for hackers and/or criminals.

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