It has been claimed by previous authors that he was Danish and came from Oby/Denmark. that is likely but not confirmed. His children are: 15 April 1657 Claes-- 5 Jun. 1658 Lydia--- 17 Aug. 1659 Grietje----1May 1661 Claes and perhaps 10 Aug. 1664 Hanna (this is not confirmed) There is no Hendrick, Elizabeth or Catharine. He marr. 2) 13 Jan. 1692as widower of Keltie Claes Marritje Jans widow of Willem Jansze (All Dutch Reformed Church records of New AMsterdam) He likely died after 1693 which was his last recording.
I will further investigate, he is not aka Andre Aube
It is very likely he did have children before 1657. A daughter Lysbeth bapt. 1652 shows Hendrick Obe as baptismal sponsor several times for her children with John Daily (et al), his last church recording is 8 March 1693 as sponsor to a child of Lysbeth. There are many claims about Andre Aube, It is not possible based on a French Church recording that he was Hendrick Hendricksen Obe, just at first glance, because Andre was baptin 1699 "about 14 or 15 years old" way too young for Hendrick Obe. The references are all from Dutch Reformed Church in NA, the quote from Geni post for Hendrick Obee and the baptismal record fromSt.Antoine de lisle aux Grus....
My interest int his profile relates to the project:
But, I have removed the André Aube <also known as> from the profile.