fGRANDPA JAMES POSEY WAS MY GREAT GRANDfATHER; HE AND GRANDMA HAD MY GRANDMOTHER - GRACE POSEY, EVA POSEY, ALBERT SIDNEY POSEY, ROBERT "Bob"POSEY, and Verna Posey. ; My Mother was Grace Estelle Jarrott, born in Teague on 01 July 1913, as well as my 2 Uncles - Frank Elmo Jarrott and James Adolphus "Jim" Jarrott, Grace Posey Jarrott and 3 children lived with GrandPa and GrandMa Posey in Teague. I am trying to finmd wedding photos of GrandP and GrandMa Posey, a wedding picture of Grace Posey Jarrott and a wedding picture of Grace Estelle-Jarrott. Who has all the family records and Bible there in Teague. At one time, I know Kimsey had, but don't know who got them from him. Do you? Frankie Jim Bockman, PO Box 68, Stockdale, TX 782160; email: fjimbock@gmail.com