Do we have Sources for who his wife was? I can't find any on either Medlands or the Wikipedia link on the profile.
cf Medlands: 1. WALTFRED (-896). Marchese of Friulia. "Berengarius Rex" confirmed "Unroch consanguineus noster, filius quondam Supponi…Marchionis" in the possession of "curtes Felinam et Malliacum", at the request of "Waltfredi…Marchionis", by charter dated 890[311]. The Annales Fuldenses record that in 896, after the death of "Waltfredi, Foro Iulii marchionis, qui multum fideliter ad imperatorem Veronam contendo retinuit", King Berengar invaded this part of Italy[312]. No indication has so far been found of Waltfred's origin or when he was appointed.