Michael Emmanuel Alfes
You → Doba Davidovna Rabin
your mother → David Rabin
her father → Nisson Rabin
his father → Leah Miriam Alta Korb
his sister → Morris (Moshe) Korb
her son → Dorothy (Devorah) Korb
his wife → Ann (Chana) Lopin
her sister → Rav Avraham Yehoshua Lopian
her husband → Soroh Leah Lopian
his mother → Rav Yosef Rotmann, Lomz'er
her brother → Nathan Meir Rothmann
his son → Joseph Rothmann
his son → <private> Rothmann (Ehrenthal)
his wife → Nina Hendel Ehrenthal
her mother → David Schischa
her father → Abraham (Adolf) Schischa
his father → Max (Mayer) Schischa
his father → Lazar (Elazer) Schischa
his father → Aharon Itzik Schischa
his father → Itzik Moses Schischa
his father → Moses Halevi Schischa
his father → Isaac Jakob Schischa, Halevi
his father → Jacob Halevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown
his mother → R' YEHUDA יהודה Hanasi
her father → R' Shimon שמעון III ben Gamliel II
his father → Rabban Gamliel II of Yavne
his father → Rabban Shimon II ben Gamliel
his father → Rabban Gamliel I Hazaken
his father → Rabbi Simeon ben Hillel HaNasi
his father → Hillel Hazaken - 'The Elder' grandfather of Gamaliel I
his father → Chizkiya ben Uzziah, descendant of King David or Benjamin
his father → Uziah עוזיה הזקן Ben-Shlomo
his father → Shlomo Hazaken Ben David
his father → David Ben Eliezer
his father → Eliezer ben Yehoshaphat
his father → Yehoshaphat Ben Yoash
his father → Yoash ben Ephraim
his father → Ephraim Ben Baasha
his father → Baasha Ben-Avraham
his father → Avraham ben Gidon
his father → Gideon ben Natan
his father → Nathan ben Avimelech
his father → Avimeleh ben Ahitophel
his father → Ahitophel ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo ben David
his father → David Ben Uriah
his father → Uriah .
his father → Yehudah .
his father → Shelomith .
his mother → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
her father → Princess Rhodah ., of Persia
his wife → Daughter of Nabu-balatsu-igbi of Babylon
her mother → Nabonidus I, King of Babylon
her brother → Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
his wife → Neitaqert (Nitokris)
her mother → Necho II, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Shapenuapit, Divine Adoratrice of Amun
his wife → Piye, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Shabaka Pharaoh of Egypt
his brother → Abhjar Abhjar
his wife → Prince Abar of Kush
her father → Heiress Shapenuapit I of Egypt
his mother → Osorkon III
her father → Usermaatre Setepenre Pami, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Usimare Setepenamun Shoshenq III . ., Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Tjesbastperu
his wife → Taditanebten - Istemkheb Princess of Egypt
her mother → Harsiese, king of Thebes
her father → Nesitanebetashru, Queen of Egypt
his mother → Pinudjem II Khakheperre Setepenamun ., High Priest of Amun
her father → Menkheperre High Priest of Amun at Thebes ., High Priest of Amun
his father → Pinedjem I Setepenre Egypt, High Priest of Amen Re
his father → Hrere
his mother → Herihor, High Priest of Amun
her father → Ast .
his mother → Heqamaatre Ramesses IV, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Ramesses III, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Ramses II 'The Great', Pharaoh of Egypt