Testing for fake medieval and ancient lines

Started by Private User on Monday, July 2, 2018
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Showing 61-79 of 79 posts

Michael Emmanuel Alfes
You → Doba Davidovna Rabin
your mother → David Rabin
her father → Nisson Rabin
his father → Leah Miriam Alta Korb
his sister → Morris (Moshe) Korb
her son → Dorothy (Devorah) Korb
his wife → Ann (Chana) Lopin
her sister → Rav Avraham Yehoshua Lopian
her husband → Soroh Leah Lopian
his mother → Rav Yosef Rotmann, Lomz'er
her brother → Nathan Meir Rothmann
his son → Joseph Rothmann
his son → <private> Rothmann (Ehrenthal)
his wife → Nina Hendel Ehrenthal
her mother → David Schischa
her father → Abraham (Adolf) Schischa
his father → Max (Mayer) Schischa
his father → Lazar (Elazer) Schischa
his father → Aharon Itzik Schischa
his father → Itzik Moses Schischa
his father → Moses Halevi Schischa
his father → Isaac Jakob Schischa, Halevi
his father → Jacob Halevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown
his mother → R' YEHUDA יהודה Hanasi
her father → R' Shimon שמעון III ben Gamliel II
his father → Rabban Gamliel II of Yavne
his father → Rabban Shimon II ben Gamliel
his father → Rabban Gamliel I Hazaken
his father → Rabbi Simeon ben Hillel HaNasi
his father → Hillel Hazaken - 'The Elder' grandfather of Gamaliel I
his father → Chizkiya ben Uzziah, descendant of King David or Benjamin
his father → Uziah עוזיה הזקן Ben-Shlomo
his father → Shlomo Hazaken Ben David
his father → David Ben Eliezer
his father → Eliezer ben Yehoshaphat
his father → Yehoshaphat Ben Yoash
his father → Yoash ben Ephraim
his father → Ephraim Ben Baasha
his father → Baasha Ben-Avraham
his father → Avraham ben Gidon
his father → Gideon ben Natan
his father → Nathan ben Avimelech
his father → Avimeleh ben Ahitophel
his father → Ahitophel ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo ben David
his father → David Ben Uriah
his father → Uriah .
his father → Yehudah .
his father → Shelomith .
his mother → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
her father → Princess Rhodah ., of Persia
his wife → Daughter of Nabu-balatsu-igbi of Babylon
her mother → Nabonidus I, King of Babylon
her brother → Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
his wife → Neitaqert (Nitokris)
her mother → Necho II, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Shapenuapit, Divine Adoratrice of Amun
his wife → Piye, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Shabaka Pharaoh of Egypt
his brother → Abhjar Abhjar
his wife → Prince Abar of Kush
her father → Heiress Shapenuapit I of Egypt
his mother → Osorkon III
her father → Usermaatre Setepenre Pami, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Usimare Setepenamun Shoshenq III . ., Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Tjesbastperu
his wife → Taditanebten - Istemkheb Princess of Egypt
her mother → Harsiese, king of Thebes
her father → Nesitanebetashru, Queen of Egypt
his mother → Pinudjem II Khakheperre Setepenamun ., High Priest of Amun
her father → Menkheperre High Priest of Amun at Thebes ., High Priest of Amun
his father → Pinedjem I Setepenre Egypt, High Priest of Amen Re
his father → Hrere
his mother → Herihor, High Priest of Amun
her father → Ast .
his mother → Heqamaatre Ramesses IV, Pharaoh of Egypt
her father → Ramesses III, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father → Ramses II 'The Great', Pharaoh of Egypt

King David of Israel is your third cousin's husband's brother's wife's 62nd great grandfather.
You - Michael Emmanuel Alfes
→ Doba Davidovna Rabin
your mother → David Rabin
her father → Nisson Rabin
his father → Leah Miriam Alta Korb
his sister → Morris (Moshe) Korb
her son → Rav Phillip (Pesach) Korb
his son → Avigayil Lipschutz
his daughter → Shmuel Leib Lipschutz
her husband → <private> Lipschutz
his brother → <private> Lipschutz (Pollak)
his wife → Shlomo Yehuda Pollak
her father → Hersh Leib Pollak
his father → Yohanna (Hanele) Pollak
his mother → Mrs. Betti (Blumele) Schoen
her mother → Sali (Zelda) (Rosalia) Singer
her mother → Mandel Deutsch (Sofer)
her father → Meir Krassel Deutsch
his father → Mordechai Deutsch (Sofer)
his father → Hirshel (Tzvi) David
his father → Malka Schischa
his mother → Yishai Schischa, Halevi
her father → Isaac Jakob Schischa, Halevi
his father → Jacob Halevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown, HaLevi
his father → Unknown
his mother → R' YEHUDA יהודה Hanasi
her father → R' Shimon שמעון III ben Gamliel II
his father → Rabban Gamliel II of Yavne
his father → Rabban Shimon II ben Gamliel
his father → Rabban Gamliel I Hazaken
his father → Rabbi Simeon ben Hillel HaNasi
his father → Hillel Hazaken - 'The Elder' grandfather of Gamaliel I
his father → Chizkiya ben Uzziah, descendant of King David or Benjamin
his father → Uziah עוזיה הזקן Ben-Shlomo
his father → Shlomo Hazaken Ben David
his father → David Ben Eliezer
his father → Eliezer ben Yehoshaphat
his father → Yehoshaphat Ben Yoash
his father → Yoash ben Ephraim
his father → Ephraim Ben Baasha
his father → Baasha Ben-Avraham
his father → Avraham ben Gidon
his father → Gideon ben Natan
his father → Nathan ben Avimelech
his father → Avimeleh ben Ahitophel
his father → Ahitophel ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo ben David
his father → David Ben Uriah
his father → Uriah .
his father → Yehudah .
his father → Shelomith .
his mother → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
her father → Salathial Ben Jechaniah, 2nd Exilarch
his father → Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Josiah ., 15th King of Judah
his father → Amon - אמון מלך יהודה 14
his father → Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah The Prophet
her father → Amaziah, 8th King of Judah
his father → Jehoash ., 7th King of Judah
his father → King Ahaziah ., 6th King of Judah
his father → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah
his father → Abijah son of Rehobam, 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his father → Rehoboam son of Solomon, 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel

I have bumped on those HaLevis before, and I think they wore removed, but now added again. Here are the links Erica Howton if needed:
Unknown, HaLevi
Unknown, HaLevi
Unknown, HaLevi
Unknown, HaLevi
Unknown, HaLevi

Thank you. Disconnected Unknown from parents.

This is the first Descendant with a name and dates: Jacob Halevi

Resolved: I am no longer related to Kind David or Ramses II.

Good work Private

Trees leading again to Prophet of Islam and to Xerxes I 'the Great', king of Persia

Several line through MP:s go to these:

in that one there is adoptive father: Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams

Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams# - it says at his profile that It is suggested that 'Abd Shams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf was his father. However, tradition points out that he was an adoptive son. Thus there is no genealogical/bloodline connection between the two. Please discus if more light can be shed on this.

Marwan I
→ al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As
his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah
his father → Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams
his father → 'Abd Shams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf
his adoptive father → Abdu Manaf bin Imaam Quṣayy
his father → Qusai
his father


There are few hundreds years between his father, although the number are just estimates:
Haritha bin 'Amr Muzaikhiya

→ Fatima binte Sa'd bin Shibl
his mother → Sa'ad bin Shibl Azdshirah
her father → Shibl "Azdshirah" Bariq
his father → Bariq bin Uday
his father → Uday bin Haritha
his father → Haritha bin 'Amr Muzaikhiya
his father → 'Amr Muzaikhiya bin Aamir
his father → Amir ibn Harithah
his father

Deleting the last few messages... there's just no need for religious jabs on a genealogy site.

Bodie is really cool, btw!

Unknown Profile No need to behave unpolitely with word "anger and yak" in your posts. You still do not seem to get the point of cleaning the tree, it has purpose to make Geni big world tree more trustworthy - the more investigated data is added, more investigated sources added, the big world tree better quality.

When you add your relation here to someone, who lived long long time ago, you have to check every profile in your line. There are no magic wand that does the job for you or hired staff. You have to do it yourself. And when you notice something is off, you can add it here and ask curators help. Many of these ancient people who had many children are probably connected to us in many different ways, but proving the line is a very very different thing.

And no - no one is going to check your line and remove it, even if you meant it as some sort of joke, it is not "your line" except your own profile to your near family, rest of it involves many thousands of other people. Geni is not for serving you ready table, it is a place where everybody contribute something to it, and it can give you many pleasant and interesting experiences when starting to build your family tree.

Also again, politics and religion do not belong here, Geni is more pleasant for all of us without them mixed here. Best wishes, Saga.

I am sorry Cheley, there can be some misunderstanding. There is no any sudden cutting prosess going on, trimming the tree has really been ongoing project for years and checking profiles that has been made up. I am not participent in any fight. I have tried to patiently explain you once again what it is about, there is no conspiracy here of bad cutters.

Many very old profiles are showing to be our ancestors, multiple times. And in many of those lines are many incorrect lines that connects us also several ways. When trees change here, do not take it personally <3 cousin. I am mother of three adult children so I am not that young any more, but thank you anyway :) It is better to have reliable tree then fantasy one in the end. I am also sure there will be many interesting discoveries in future science in DNA, foundings of archeology that might bring ancient people close to us, maybe without path of names who connects them to us, but as ancestors. Good and calm night from northpole

I think we're good here so I don't want to stir the pot, but just a friendly reminder that when you're on someone else's web site, the Terms of Use take precedence over the first amendment (which limits what the government can restrict, not private organizations on their own platform). https://www.geni.com/company/terms_of_use

Unknown Profile -- That a profile might have been added 12 years ago is irrelevant to whatever connections might have been created to it since then.

Also, the curator of that profile is not in charge of checking out all the lines underneath it.

If you would like to know if your line to one of the ancient profiles is making sense, one way to do that would be to go profile to profile -- in the paths you have posted, for instance -- making sure that the times and the places make sense, and that the connections don't contradict any information in the curator's notes or the Overview.

If you find a place where it looks like things aren't working rightly, you can contact the curator of THAT profile -- the curator of one of the profiles maybe 50 generations up is not the person to ask.

Both paths to Xerxes I 'the Great', king of Persia and Muhammad go through Urraca. Her parents are unknown and were previously disconnected but it looks like they've been added again.

They got readied recently. I detached them and locked relationships.

Readied should be “reattached.”

Oria is my 32nd great grandmother. I no longer have a path to Xerxes and Muhammad thru her...but he is still my 81st great grandfather thru a different path. Muhammad is still my cousin thru a different path... 13th cousin 48x removed.


Unknown Profile, 9th cousin! Greetings.

Showing 61-79 of 79 posts

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