Now we enter the Nibelungensaga:
Godegisel, king of the Burgundians
Umruoc II de Ternois de Saint-Bertin
his father → Berengar of the East Franks
his father → Adalric, comte d'Artois et de Pévèle
his father → Thibaud II, comte d'Artois et d'Ostrevant
his father → Ansbert, comte d'Artois
his father → Adalbald II, count of Artois
his father → Adalbald I, comte d'Artois
his father → Saint Gertrude, abbess of Hamage
his mother → Theodebald I, duke of the Bavarians
her father → Agivald
his father → Regnaberga of the Burgundians
his mother → Godegisel, king of the Burgundians
her father → Sister of Ricimer
his mother → Ricimer
her brother → Alypia
his wife → Anthemius, Western Roman Emperor
@Erica Howton
Thank you for your advice. I've only been working on my genealogy for about eight months so I haven't been able to do my own research on many of the various lines that appear in my tree. Especially anything going back before the 1600's. Additionally it turns out that my mom and dad share many ancestors. So since I had a headstart on information from my dad's tree from a relative who had already been working several years on that side of the family I keep coming across direct ancestors of my mother already calculated as distant cousins to my dad since his information was entered into my tree first. This is the type of thing I have been primarily focusing on working out besides the inevitable multiple entries of people with the same profile or completely wrong parentage's. It will probably be quite a while before I have enough information to determine if a path leading into antiquity is valid. I will remember to copy these suspect paths for later review as you suggested. Thanks again.
Godegisel, king of the Burgundians is your 44th great grandfather.
→ Lynette Marie Evans
your mother → Patrick Evans
her father → Isabella Annie Lavinia Beckmann
his mother → Paul Heinrich Julius F von Boeckmann
her father → Ferdinand Otto von Boeckmann
his father → Pauline Christina Schack
his mother → Christian Julius Schack
her father → Engel Carl Ernst von Schack
his father → Christoph Ernst von Schack, til Wendorf m.m.
his father → Sophie Elisabeth von Steinberg
his mother → Friedrich II. Graf von Steinberg, til Bürgheim
her father → Elisabeth von Spiegel zu Peckelschein
his mother → Georg von Spiegel zu Peckelsheim
her father → Ursula von Fürstenberg
his mother → Anna von Westphalen
her mother → Rabe von Westfalen
her father → Heinrich IX von Westfalen auf Fürstenberg
his father → Wilhelm II von Westfalen
his father → Lubbert IX der Reiche D. von Westfalen
his father → Elseke von Horhusen
his mother → Elseke von Plettenberg
her mother → Oleke von Büren
her mother → Bertold IV von Büren
her father → Udelhild von Hengebach
his mother → Jutta von Jülich
her mother → Wilhelm I, count of Jülich
her father → Agnes van Loon
his mother → Arnold I, III. graaf van Loon (count de Looz)
her father → Emmo II, count of Looz
his father → Giselbert, I. count of Looz
his father → Rudolf I van de Betuwe, II. graaf van Haspinga
his father → Nevelong (Nibelung), graaf van Betuwe
his father → Ricfried, graaf in de Betuwe
his father → Ansfried in de Betuwe
his father → Umruoc II de Ternois de Saint-Bertin
his father → Berengar of the East Franks
his father → Adalric, comte d'Artois et de Pévèle
his father → Thibaud II, comte d'Artois et d'Ostrevant
his father → Ansbert, comte d'Artois
his father → Adalbald II, count of Artois
his father → Adalbald I, comte d'Artois
his father → Saint Gertrude, abbess of Hamage
his mother → Theodebald I, duke of the Bavarians
her father → Agivald, duke of the Bavarians
his father → Regnaberga of the Burgundians
his mother → Godegisel, king of the Burgundians
her father
Godegisel, king of the Burgundians is Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio's 38th great uncle!
Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio
Tú → Raúl Castro Puga
your father → Homero Castro Echeverría
his father → Eloísa Echeverría Castro
his mother → José Ramón Echeverría Ruiz-Tagle
her father → Diego Echeverría Larraín
his father → Mónica Josefa Larraín Lecaros
his mother → Francisco Larrain de la Cerda
her father → Mónica de la Cerda
his mother → Juan de la Cerda Méndez de Contreras
her father → Alfonso Messía de la Cerda Poblete
his father → Alonso Juan Messía de la Cerda Torres
his father → Melchor Messía de la Cerda
his father → Leonor Rodríguez de la Cerda, Señora de La Vega de Armijo
his mother → Alfonso Fernández de la Cerda, Señor de Almendra y Sardeal
her father → Maria Fernández de Luna
his mother → D. Artal de Luna, Ricohombre de Aragón
her father → Eva II Ximénez de Urrea, II
his mother → Toda Pérez Cornel
her mother → Pedro Cornel
her father → Ouzenda Orlanda Trastamires
his mother → Trastamiro Hermigio Alboazar
her father → Da. Unisco Sisnandes
his mother → Rodrigue Bermudez de Castrogeriz
her father → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz
his father → Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella
his mother → Nuño Rasura Núñez
her father → Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
his father → Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
his father → Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta
his mother → Froila I 'el Cruel' Saldana, rey de Asturias
her father → Ermessenda, reina consorte de Asturias
his mother → Pelayo, rey de Asturias
her father → Liubigotona
his mother → Suintila, Rey de los Visigodos
her father → Clodesinde
his mother → Siegbert I, King of Austrasia
her father → Chlothar I "the Old" King of the Franks
his father → Chlotilde, of Burgundy
his mother → Chilpéric II, king of the Burgundians
her father → Godegisel, king of the Burgundians
his brother
hello, I arrive from an accurate ascent of the Italian lines:
I have it in second marriage with a [daughter of Lupus sister & daughter] of the dukes of the Friuli.
I am very practical in the merge .. if you do not have anything else I merge
past/copy again..
Una femmina la cui parentela e matrimonio sono confermate da Gregorio di Tour, “Godegisilum, Lupi Ducis generum” cfr. Gregory of Tours IX, 12, RHGF II, p. 339.
= Godegisel (in seconde nozze) Il suo nome suggerisce una connessione con i Re di Burgundia, uno de quali si chiamava Godegisel. In prime nozze aveva sposato Palatina, figlia di Gallimagnus, alla quale Fortunato dedicò un componimento storico: “Palatina filia Gallimagni, uxore Godegisili Ducis
is this not primary? https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/basis/gregory-hist.asp
STIRPE LUPORUM - Linee antiche
That's what we call a "secondary" source, i.e. something written long after the fact and depending on older sources (which themselves may or may not be primary).
Gregory himself is as close to a primary source as we are likely to find, and he wrote a good generation or so after the fact. He's not even very interested in the Burgundians except for the ways in which they interacted with the Franks - which is unfortunate when trying to reconstruct Burgundian family lines.
I once again have a connection to Rameses.
I think the lies somewhere between Constantine IX Monomachos, byzantine emperor and Mahmud of Ghazni or beyond, two lines later Xerxes' family starts - Ghazi Syed Gazi Saiyyed Salar Sahu was his descendant; and his profile was added only in 2016.
certainly when you find out that some inquisitors are related to Adam of Eden, you will see the discussion from another perspective ;D
→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Experience Wheeler
his mother → Ephraim Wheeler
her father → Prudence Wheeler
his mother → Persis Hewitt
her mother → Samuel Cleveland
her father → Ann Cleveland
his mother → Edward Winn
her father → Mary Berkeley
his mother → Roland Berkeley
her father → William Berkeley
his father → Richard Guy Berkeley, Esq.
his father → Thomas de Berkeley
his father → Lady Isabelle Berkeley
his mother → Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother → Elizabeth de Bohun, Countess of Arundel
her mother → William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton
her father → Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, Countess of Hereford
his mother → Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England
her mother → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
her father → Alfonso IX el Baboso, rey de León y Galicia
his father → María Afonso de León
his daughter → Soeiro Aires de Valadares
her husband → Aires Nunes
his father → Pedro Arias de Aldana, señor de Aldana
his father → Arias Muñoz, IX Señor de Aldana
his father → Nuno Rodrigues
his father → Rodrigo Arias
his father → Arias Mendes de Coimbra, conde de Emínio
his father → Duquesa Hermesinda Gatonez de Bierzo
his mother → Gatón (Afaton) del Bierzo, conde de Astorga y del Bierzo
her father → Ramiro I, rey de Asturias
his father → Vermudo I el Diácono, rey de Asturias
his father → Fruela, duque de Cantabria
his father → Munia Froilaz de Álava
his wife → Eudón, II señor de Vizcaya, Duque de Cantabria y de Aquitania
her father → Andeca Lopes des Basques,des Vascons, Duque de Cantabria, I señor de Vizcaya
his father