Gisela of Cysoing, daughter of Louis and Judith - Incorrect Image

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, July 1, 2018
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Private User says:
Managers of Gisela of Cysoing, daughter of Louis and Judith,

I am contacting you about this profile:

Wanted to let you know that the image used for this profile is incorrect. This person in the image is Gisela of Swabia located here: Constantine's Dad....

The image is from the triptych Der Babenberger-Stammbaum in Klosterneuburg Abbey 's Museum, Province of Lower Austria.

Note the coats of arms at the lower edge of the image. The arms of the left, the dexter which would indicate the father's side, are the ancient arms of Babenburg, which is consistent with her father being Herman II, Duke of Swabia. Herman was of the family Conradine, the senior line of the House of Babenberg. The quartered arms on the right, the sinister side would reflect Gisela's parentage. So far I've only been able to identify quarter 3 and 4 but those arms are consistent with Gisela's parentage as show in Geni.

If one involved with this area of the study wanted to improve Geni, they could use the links below to images that could be used o effectively complete the tree of the Austrian Kings, consorts and their children with similar images. I added a few links that will support this effort.


Private User

Patricia Magdalena Alvarado Cervino Thank You very much for your information ...Cann you put in the place the correct Image to the profile of Gisela Cysoing daughter of Luis and Judit please..

Your Sincerely

Patricia Magdalena Alvarado

Dear Sharon,
I will make a next study and come later with a reaction.
Thanks for the information from your side.
All the best,
Everard van Dijk in the Netherlands.

I don't think we have an image of her.

Dear Sharon,
Will you be so kind as to bring this information to Justin Swantröm. I prefer the original language. Extra point of control in Geni: Gisela had 10 not 13 children.
Thanks and greetings, all the best,
Everard van Dijk.

Source: Detlev Schwennicke: Europäische Stammtafeln Band II (1984), Tafel 188A (note: below without next generation)

Item in GenI:
Giséle of Cysoing
For information see:,_daughter_of_Louis_the_Pious

Gisela, auch Gisla, (französisch Gisèle; * um 819/822; † nach 874) war die Tochter von Kaiser Ludwig dem Frommen und seiner Frau Judith.

Gisela heiratete vor dem Jahr 840, warscheinlich um 836, Eberhard 1) (810-866), Markgraf von Friaul, sohn von Unruoch II. († vor 853) 811 Graf, 839 Graf zu Ternois, und seiner Frau Engeltrude.
Gisela hatte mit Eberhard zehn Kinder:
1. Eberhard (836-nach dem 20. Juni 840).
2. Ingeltrud von Friaul (um 836-867), heiratete Heinrich (um 830-886), Markgraf von Neustrien
3. Unruoch III. (etwa 840-874), Ehemann von Ava von Tours.
4. Berengar I. (etwa 843-924), Ehemann von Bertila von Spoleto, 888 in Pavia zum König der Langobarden und 915 zum römisch-deutschen Kaiser gewählt.
5. Adalhard († nach 1. Juli 874). Laienabt von Cysoing, Ꙭ Swanabruc.
6. Rudolf († 1. Mai 892) Graf. Abt von Cysiong und Saint-Vaast d’Arras. 883 erhielt er von Karlmann Artois und Ternoise, welche bei seinem Tod Balduin II. beschlagnahmte.
7. Alpais, jung gestorben und in der Abtei Sainte-Calixte de Cysoing begraben
8. Heilwich von Friaul (um 855-um 895), heiratete um 874 Huchbald (Hucbald) von Ostervant († nach 890) und danach eventuell Roger I. (um 867-926) Graf von Laon.
9. Gisela († um 863), Nonne in der Abtei San Salvatore in Brescia.
10. Judith von Friaul (863-881), Ehefrau von Konrad II., Markgraf von Transjuranien und Graf von Auxerre.

836 gab Ludwig der Fromme seiner Tochter Gisela und ihrem Ehemann Eberhard von Friaul die Ortschaften Ascq, Flers und Gruson 2) als Mitgift.
Zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann gründete Gisela die Abtei Sainte-Calixte de Cysoing 3). Gemeinsam orientierten sie sich auch als Laien an geistigen Werten und folgten dabei dem Vorbild des Hofes Karls des Großen.

1) ↑ Évrard (Eberhard) sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
2) ↑ « Ascq sous Charlemagne en I‘ an 800 », Part. 1, Chap. 2 Chap. 2, pages 13 à 16, Essai de l’histoire d’Ascq et de ses environs, P. Delebart, Imprimerie R. Boulonnais, Ascq. 1952.
3) ↑ Lettre à un académicien d’Arras sur la princesse Gisèle, fille de Louis le Débonnaire, et sur la date du testament du Comte Evrard, son époux, fondateur de l’église de Cysoing, 1779.
• Detlev Schwennicke: Europäische Stammtafeln Band II (1984), Tafel 188A
• Josef Fleckenstein: Gisela, 2. In: Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA). Band 4, Artemis & Winkler, München/Zürich 1989, ISBN 3-7608-8904-2, Sp. 1464 f.
• Christian Settipani: La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l’auguste maison de France). Band 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Hrsg. Partrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993, S. 545, ISBN 978-2-95015-093-6

I searched for an image, or at least one of the abbey she and her son built at Cysoing without luck :(

Place a link for each of the children you think are extra - that will alert their managers too.

Medlands gives her 11 ( so I'm sure you're correct.

I'll take a look later today or this week. Thanks for bringing it up Everard.

Yes, Sharyn - so did I :-(

Everard van Dijk, what is it you want me to see there?

Bertha de Friuli doesn't seem to be a daughter.

Gisela di Friuli and Gisela, abbadessa di S. Salvatore di Brescia are both MPed. Pam Wilson (on hiatus) & Private User Curate. Can we have a Discussion about which one you guys think should be here?

MedLands lists 11 children but she's not one of them. Her supposed marriage to "Siegbert VI Ursus" is also suspect. It's a Holy Blood, Holy Grail name.

Worth noting that Europäische Stammtafeln is the underpinning for MedLands.

N.N. is the speculated 11 th child that you don't have on your list, Everard. Expert backing for the possibility is in the form of Cawley here:, so I'm good to leave her or remove her depending on what the managers and Curator - Victar - want.

And no evidence who Waltfred de Vérone, Count of Verona, Margrave of Friuli married that I can find so far.

The Source for Gisela - now standing as Gisela Di Friuli and Waltfred de Verone's daughter is also not there.

Dear Justin,
Thank you for your comment.
Sharon starts with a discusion about the profile of Gelisa de Cysoing, daughter of Lodewijk de Vrome and Judith. Gisela was married to Eberhard of Ternois, Marquis of Friuli.
From Sharon I understand that she believes that the profile of Gisela in Geni is wrong.
My position is that the profile of Gisela is good.
Discusion is only appropriate for her children including their husbands.
My source is: Detlev Schwennicke: Europäische Stammtafeln Band II (1984), Table 188A.
Kind regards, Everard.

As this profile Gisela di Friuli is the later duplicate of the one that conforms to our sources, I'm going to remove it as a child. I will then lock the relationships on Gisela. Thanks for the alert, Everard.

Sorry, cross posted Evarard.

No, the Discussion was just saying that the profile picture of Gisela was wrong :-) But now you've helped us sort out the children too - so that's good :-)

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