Частный профиль do you remember the sources for this Curator note?
Jeanne Sunzeau was engaged to Jean Prieur du Plessis, but did not marry him. They broke their engagement after a mutual agreement.
cf:Dr. Jean Prieur du Plessis, SV/PROG
Sharon that is a fact. They were never married. I don't know where the source is but is was there somewhere.
It seems we will have to give big attentention to the du Plessis as soon as we all have time- that is a problem- but because the family ties to all the main families in SA it will always get "deurmekaar."
Just give me a week and I will be able to start to help.
Judi, I don't think the line is deuremekaar. I just don't think there are Sources. I was searching for them and this was one possibility that might have Sources linked to it, that's why I posted this. But - again - none.
It seems that much of the info that has been taken as fact about the SV may just be people grabbing info that has the same name.
I hope not :-(