Margaret Montgomery, of Hessilhead - Help me find her parents

Started by Erica Howton on Friday, June 1, 2018
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6/1/2018 at 7:29 PM

She’s not listed as a child of Adam Montgomery, 5th Laird of Braidstone

A source has her as daughter of Hugh Montgomerie of Hessilhead and sister of Alexander.

More information listed in profile “about.”

She “should” be proveable but I’m out of ideas ...

6/2/2018 at 4:59 PM

Private User Are there any resources you can suggest for this family ?

6/2/2018 at 5:01 PM

I am seeing her family from a quote:

Gordon A. MacGregor writes: "James Schaw of Greenock, m. Margaret, daughter of Hugh Montgomery of Haselhead, and was father of John Schaw of Greenock, had a charter under the Great Seal for the lands of Wester Greenock-Schaw on 15 February, 1623, and m. Helen, daughter of Sir Ludovick Houston of that Ilk, (c/m 29 September, 1619 and Robert Schaw, acted as attorney for infefting his brother John Schaw in the lands of Greenock on 23 December, 1622."

Gordon MacGregor is apparently a well thought of genealogist / historian.

Private User
6/2/2018 at 5:27 PM

The following might refer to the lady you are interested in:

10 November 1558: Discharge granted in consideration of 2500 merks Scots by Hew Montgomery of Hessilhead for himself and as spouse to Marion Sempill and father and guardian of Elizabeth and Margaret Montgomery, their lawful daughters, in favour of Robert, Master of Eglinton of the ward, relief and nonentry of the Baronies of Ardrossan and Giffen.

Source: National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Montgomerie Family, Earls of Eglinton, reference GD3/1/1/1/5

6/2/2018 at 5:48 PM

Grandma emerges? :)

I think however daughter Julianna (my line) is in the wrong generation.


in the will of Margaret Montgomery, Lady Grenock, who died Nov 18, 1606 that they had Johnne, Robert, William, Grisell, Margaret and Marion . Since she died 14 years before her husband, it might be that by the time he died, that was all the kids left.

6/2/2018 at 6:07 PM

The Montgomery Manuscripts: (1603-1706)
By William Montgomery Page 137

"John Shatv, of Greenock.—This gentleman was son of James Shaw, and Margaret, daughter of Robert Montgomery, sixth laird of Hazlehead. James died in 1620, leaving John, his only son and heir, who added very much to the family estates, and died in the year 1679.—Crawford's Renfrewshire, p. 125. Crawford errs in stating that Margaret Montgomery was daughter of Hugh, the fifth laird, she being his grand-daughter. 'The Commissary Records of Glasgow show that Margaret Wallace, spous to Robert Montgomerie of Hessilheid,' who 'deceissit in the moneth of Julii, 1602, left a daughter, Margaret Montgomerie (Mrs. James Shaw), in favour of whom her latter will and testament was made.' —Paterson, Parishes and Families of Ayrshire, vol. i., pp. 291, 292, notf

Private User
6/2/2018 at 6:15 PM

Please not that the date of the deed mentioned previously should have been 10 November 1588 and not 10 November 1558.

10 November 1588: Discharge granted in consideration of 2500 merks Scots by Hew Montgomery of Hessilhead for himself and as spouse to Marion Sempill and father and guardian of Elizabeth and Margaret Montgomery, their lawful daughters, in favour of Robert, Master of Eglinton of the ward, relief and nonentry of the Baronies of Ardrossan and Giffen.

Source: National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Montgomerie Family, Earls of Eglinton, reference GD3/1/1/1/5

6/2/2018 at 6:22 PM
6/2/2018 at 8:22 PM

So I gained a grandma, lost a grandma.

Juliane Schaw Is not listed in Lady Greenock’s will.

Luckily the Schaw / Shaw family seems fairly small, so there might be hope of finding her actual parents.

6/3/2018 at 2:51 AM

Here’s another Schaw line to America.

XV-II. Janet Schaw.1737-1801.
Wrote `Aunt Janet's Journal published as `Journal of a Lady of Quality'. Alexander and Janet Schaw sailed from the Firth of Forth on October 25, 1774 on the Jamaica Packet for Antigua and North Carolina. With them were the Rutherfurd children, Fanny aged 18 or 19, John, aged 11 and the nine-year old William Gordon `Billie' Rutherfurd. Janet left the Cape Fear River on the `George' on November 10, 1775, sailing for Glasgow via Lisbon with Fanny, John and Billie.

`Aunt' Janet wrote a diary on the voyage and subsequently copies were passed around the family. The diary was subsequently 'found' and incorporated into the book `Journal of a Lady of Quality', edited by Evangeline Walker Andrews, Yale University Press, 1939.

Aunt Janet's diary is considered to be an important historical document. Few other social commentaries were published for this period. Her comments on St Eustatius are displayed in the museum on St Eustatius and a copy of her comments on St Kitts is held by the St Kitts Historical Society. The library at Wilmington, North Carolina holds a copy of the book as the Schaws and Rutherfurds were noted residents in North Carolina at that time. The University of North Carolina has used the material for historical research.

6/3/2018 at 4:00 AM

VIII. James Schaw, second son of Alexander, maried Ann, daughter of Mungo Murray of Ochiltree.
Had issue:
1. John Schaw.

This Mungo Murray, Regent of St Andrews ?

6/3/2018 at 4:01 AM

No, dates don’t work. Must be earlier in that Murray family.

Private User
6/6/2018 at 1:17 PM

Margaret Montgomery, Lady Greenock, died intestate on 18 November 1606. She is not the daughter of Robert Montgomery of Hesillhead and his wife Margaret Wallace. This couple did have a daughter named Margaret, who was the beneficiary of her mother's testament dative, but she was still alive in 1613 when her father gave up the inventory of their moveable estate.

6/6/2018 at 6:29 PM

I’ve made a new profile for Margaret Montgomery

Are we now at the point of leaving Lady Greenock parentless?

6/6/2018 at 6:43 PM

Logically the Lady Greenock was a near relative of Hugh Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of the Great Ards who married her husband’s sister.

6/6/2018 at 6:52 PM

Should go back to looking at Marion Semphill & Hugh Montgomerie, but I’m not fighting this tree on Geni

6/6/2018 at 8:00 PM

Ah you found where she should be

Margaret Montgomery

Now to see if she was also Lady Greenock.

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