Gerhard, notice the connection goes through Justa Grata Honoria Augusta, whom Geni calls a fiancee of Attila. I think that might be overstating the connection.
I've often thought we could cut that connection without doing harm to the historical reality, but it's an interesting episode in European history anyway.
These chains of lateral connections aren't really so unusual. Connected through someone who married someone whose relative married someone whose relative married someone. Geni sometimes gets them wrong, but more often they're right.
For example, Sir Anthony Wager (Garter King of Arms) pointed out that Henry III of England in his own lifetime was connected by a chain of marriages among only 8 of his contemporaries to Kubla Khan in China. Ref: Pedigree and Progress (1975), Pedigree 44 "Atlantic to Pacific, 1274".
And in fact, this "cloud madness" is the foundation of Geni. All genealogies are ultimately interlinked with the whole human family.