Announcing Geni's new HTML tree

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, May 31, 2018
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We're very excited to announce our new HTML tree, replacing the old (non-Flash) version that you may have seen on iPads, mobile phones or other devices that don't support Flash. This will eventually replace the Flash tree as well, once we've implemented all the same features. You can read more about it here:


Oh yay! Thank you.

'Bout time!

No sticky?

As you wish :)

Awesome, Mike! Compliments to the team!

Is there a thread somewhere where you can ask specific questions about the new tree, how it works and mention what not seems to be working (yet)?

I would think this would be the best place to do that.

It hasn't been possible before but is it an idea to send an alert to the profile managers whenever an About section has been altered?

Dimitri Gazan that's wholly unrelated to the HTML tree -- we can discuss it separately if you wish but not here.

Oh sorry, wasn't aware of that. I will dm you. Cheers, Mike

Sorry, misunderstood. We have been talking about this at Project Concept Plaza:

So it is still being discussed, perhaps you could take a look at it, Mike?

There are 3 options to input data in treeview. The image, the name and the pencil. The image activates the complete menu with all options you can navigate to. Wouldn't it be easier to choose for one specific location like the menu menu you access via the image space?

Personally I would choose for the name as link to the menu and delete the pencil icon from the down right corner.

Have got feedback on several problems.

If cookies are disabled the tree option disappears. If also not logged on clicking the name in the profile doesn't do anything.

With another query received, it appears that the 'problems' are with the logged off version of Geni. These may be intentional, and you need to join Geni to see the rest, but when stuck on tree view it gives the impression that that is all there is.

In case anyone else has not noticed --

There is now a little arrow next to "Tree" at the top of the Screen - clicking it gives a drop-down menu to choose between the two types of Trees (Flash or HTML)

--really, really useful when you find yourself stuck in HTML and want to be in Flash - or are in Flash and want to see what the HTML Tree looks like now.

"Tree" does not appear in the logged off version - there is no little arrow - you are stuck with the new tree view. I guess it's to get folks to join Geni.

Dimitri Gazan - In Tree View for the HTML Tree, and for Flash - clicking on the name takes you to the Profile View. Would definitely want this to continue to be the case.

In the Flash Tree, clicking on the Image got me a pop-up window telling me to select file to upload to Geni - had never noticed that at all before. Never thought to try it. So far, no idea what it uploads to. Clicking elsewhere in the body of the box does nothing.
In the HTML Tree, clicking elsewhere in the body of the Box (ie not the Name, not the image, not the "pencil" or "tree" icons) gets the same result as clicking on the image.
Clicking either place (image or box outside of name and icons) is apparently a toggle - once gets menu, again removes menu.
But doesn't seem worth bugging them about until they say they think they are finished implementing all features (such as merge!) on HTML.

True Lois, lol!

Notice the Profile Boxes that come up on the Tree are way larger in the HTML version than in the Flash Version. I seriously prefer the size in the Flash Version.

But since discovering that what I see and what some others see is not at all the same thing - first want to check - are others also the Profile Boxes way larger in the HTML version than in the Flash Version? And - do others also dislike, or ??

(PS - on HTML version, there also seems to be a version with very small boxes that appears in transit for a second before getting to the final version - are others also seeing that?)

Eventhough you may dislike the size, it increases the accessability for users who are not that technically skilled, in my opinion.

This goes for the large buttons in the profile menu as well in contrast with the tiny pencil and tree overview button

Would be good if some curators would feed us with some of their views because they are way ahead in discussing the new HTML.

Dimitri - In my opinion, the larger boxes in the HTML Tree in no way increase accessability for anyone, they simply make it much harder to actually see much of the tree.
What is more, they come up with the sizing indicator showing they are over half-way to smallest possible - at largest possible in HTML, they so extremely large, it is possible to see only about 4 profiles at a time in Tree View - so no way to get a grasp on what the Tree actually looks like.
Fail to see how this is in any way a help to those not technically skilled.

On the other hand - it is possible that you and I are not actually seeing the same thing.
In another Discussion, Leanne was kind enough to post a link to how profiles now look to her on the Flash Tree. That is how they look to me, and that seems plenty big enough. Plenty big enough to easily see and click on the name, to go to the Profile View, etc. Link to where she posts her link:

Look at her link there -- Is that the size you are seeing on the Flash version? (I am assuming the photo in her link looks the same to all of us - if that is not true, could someone clarify, please!)

Geni's Tree View has always been way better, in my view, than any other Tree View I have seen. Definitely one of the Major facets I have liked about Geni.
The HTML Tree is way better (and more functional) than the HTML Tree used to be - but the Flash Version is still way better. No idea if it will be possible to have the HTML Tree be as great visually as the Flash Tree was, but am hoping.

Dimitri Gazan the pencil icon is on the node in desktop mode because it's more efficient than clicking the node, then mousing over to the left edge and clicking Edit over there, then mousing back to the center of the screen. The pencil icon is absent on mobile because it's too cramped to touch with a finger.

Private User there's a lot of things that won't work on Geni if cookies are disabled. That's not a high priority for us. There's an error in the logged-out tree view that's causing a lot of features to not work -- we'll fix that. Which tree you get when logged out depends on what device you're on, and whether Flash is installed.

Private User The HTML tree is not more spread out, it's just that we're now using more of the blank space between the nodes. The same number of people fit on-screen. That said, we will probably make some adjustments to the zoom limit so that you can zoom out farther than is currently possible. I think the default zoom level on the HTML tree may be a little closer than Flash, so we may adjust that as well.

Cheers, Mike

Mike Stangel - I just opened multiple windows, went to the same profile in each, then clicked on Tree View in each - it came up Flash, and in one I then clicked to have it come up HTML.
In the flash version, can see 13 complete boxes, plus 3 partial boxes. (as came up, default at max of size allowed)
In the HTML version, can see 10 complete boxes, plus 5 partial boxes (as came up, default slightly below mid-pont of size allowed - if I pushed it to Max of Size allowed, there were 5 full boxes and 2 partial boxes visible --
-- how many one will see will, I believe, vary based on composition of the actual tree one is looking at - but believe the basic difference between HTML vs Flash will hold
--In the Flash Version, one can reduce to so small you are not able to see any names or etc. - which I will agree is unnecessarily small - think HTML's smallest is only a little smaller than Flash's default - but at its smallest, you cannot, in HTML version, click on the profile name to go to the Profile View. Quite hard to figure out how to go to the profile when HTML Tree is at smallest.

Aside - at least some of the times coming up in Flash, there is an info box on the screen for maybe a few seconds - but not long enough for me to tell/read what it said - any possibility you could let us know here what it says if you don't want us having to click to have it go away (and/or don't want it pausing long enough for us to read it).

Any word on when the Move function will be added to the HTML version? Firefox seems to have put a perma-block on Flash so no matter what I do I can't get to the Flash tree any more. :-(

The privacy statement keeps popping up

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