Dimitri - In my opinion, the larger boxes in the HTML Tree in no way increase accessability for anyone, they simply make it much harder to actually see much of the tree.
What is more, they come up with the sizing indicator showing they are over half-way to smallest possible - at largest possible in HTML, they so extremely large, it is possible to see only about 4 profiles at a time in Tree View - so no way to get a grasp on what the Tree actually looks like.
Fail to see how this is in any way a help to those not technically skilled.
On the other hand - it is possible that you and I are not actually seeing the same thing.
In another Discussion, Leanne was kind enough to post a link to how profiles now look to her on the Flash Tree. That is how they look to me, and that seems plenty big enough. Plenty big enough to easily see and click on the name, to go to the Profile View, etc. Link to where she posts her link: https://www.geni.com/discussions/181847?msg=1223385
Look at her link there -- Is that the size you are seeing on the Flash version? (I am assuming the photo in her link looks the same to all of us - if that is not true, could someone clarify, please!)
Geni's Tree View has always been way better, in my view, than any other Tree View I have seen. Definitely one of the Major facets I have liked about Geni.
The HTML Tree is way better (and more functional) than the HTML Tree used to be - but the Flash Version is still way better. No idea if it will be possible to have the HTML Tree be as great visually as the Flash Tree was, but am hoping.