Thomas Powell, of Talbot County - Powell family mess

Started by Erica Howton on Monday, May 7, 2018
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5/7/2018 at 5:32 PM

This profile needs a taste test and additional sourcing if we can.

So far looks promising but it’s also referencing a Jane Catesby Powell of Lancaster County ...

5/7/2018 at 6:30 PM

Margaret Thatcher Is another possible daughter.

5/7/2018 at 6:36 PM

The visitation of London only records two children for him.

I'll check his will and baptism records.

5/7/2018 at 6:42 PM

There were Several Gorsuch’s arriving to Virginia, it looks like.

Thomas Powell’s will (1670)

Exs.: Richard Gorsuch, Lovelace Gorsuch

Powell, Thomas
R:25b,132b-133a Film No.: SR 7346
By 1661 transported himself, Howell Powell, Elizabeth Powell, Anne Powell, Edward Grainger, Anne Powell, Phillip Jones, Jeremiah Clarke, William Williams, John Brittain, Richard Gorsuch, & Elizabeth Gorsuch
Transcript. 4:54,325-26,551-52
MSA SC 4341-6299

5/7/2018 at 6:45 PM

Here is Lovelace Gorsuch

Parents listed in Visitation 1633

5/7/2018 at 6:48 PM

The will of Daniel Gorsuch, the father of the
Rev. John Gorsuch, has previously been published among Mr. Lathrop
Withington's Virginia Gleanings in England in The Virginia Magazine
(Vol. XVII, p. 302-303). The will is quite lengthy and the reader is re-
ferred to the Magazine for its full details. Only a few points having a
genealogical interest need be again referred to here. In this will dated
October 6th, 1638 and proved November 24. 1638 in the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury, Daniel Gorsuch is described as of Walkerne, county
Hertford, gent, late citizen and mercer of London. He refers to his wife
Alice and to "Mother Hall, deceased." He mentions his son John and
the latter 's wife Anne, and leaves to him sundry tracts of land, rents,
leases, etc., as well as horses and cattle about the parsonage grounds.
He leaves to his grandson John, son of his son John, certain freeholds in
Weston and settles certain other lands in Weston upon his son John's
five other children, Daniell, William. Kathorine. Robert and Richard,
and upon any other children who may be born to his son John. He also
makes a bequest of £500 to his daughter Kathcrine Haynes and leaves
to her husband Thomas Haynes £20 for mourning. To his daughter
Ann Gorsuch (wife of John) he leaves £20. To his gedson Daniel Haynes
he leaves £5. Reference is made to his brother-in-law Johnathan Browne,
Doctor of Civil Laws, his brother Richard Bcresford, his cosen Mar-
garet Browne, his cosen Barnard, and his cosen Edward Gorsuch in Lans.
To William Gorsuch he leaves his gold ring with W. G. engraved in it.
This will of Daniell Gorsuch is thus seen to confirm the Visitation pedi-
gree and moreover shows that there were two other children of his sen,
John, viz. Robert and Richard, born between the date of the Visitation
(1633) and the date of the will (October 6, 1638).

There is also an abstract of Alice Gorsuch's will.

5/7/2018 at 6:49 PM

Elizabeth Powell Married to Howell Powell, of Talbot County mentioned in the will of Thomas Powell

5/7/2018 at 6:53 PM

Powell reference book

But more of immediate interest, extracted at

Father William Powell

Mother Matilda, daughter of Griffith Jeffrey, of Glyntane

Hugh Powell married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Gwyn, of Trecastle, and by this marriage there were three sons and one daughter:[1]


Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Gwyn, of Trecastle

* William Powell (his heir).
* Second (Name unknown).
* Thomas Powell.
* Janet Powell.

5/7/2018 at 7:01 PM
5/7/2018 at 7:09 PM

Anne Lovelace & John Gorsuch are in Douglas Richardson's Magna Carta Ancestry 2nd Edition

5/7/2018 at 7:12 PM


Analysis: Two Thomas Powells, Maryland and Virginia

It now appears obvious from the study of the above records that the Thomas Powell, Sr., of Lancaster County, VA, who remarried to Mrs. Jane Catesby in 1664, and who was the father of Thomas Powell, Jr., to whom he made a deed of gift in 1665, was NOT the same person as Thomas Powell with wife Anne, who relocated to Maryland. However, there is an unsettling correspondence in the dates of their two wills: only 2 days apart! From the dates alone, one would suspect they were the same person, but from the content of their wills and the names of their wives, it is clear they are two different persons. [2]

Although we have much information about the Thomas Powell who relocated to Maryland, there is little published information available about the Thomas Powell, Sr., of Lancaster County, VA, who married, second, Mrs. Jane Catesby in 1664 or 1665.[2]

Thomas Powell, Jr., son of Thomas Powell, Sr., of Lancaster County, VA, remains the most likely person to have married Mary Place. Francis Place, father of Mary Place, was also a resident of Lancaster County. The identity of the first wife of Thomas Powell, Sr., and the mother of Thomas Powell, Jr., is unknown at this time. A detailed study of the civil records of Lancaster County should be undertaken in an effort to gleam more information about this Thomas Powell family and their possible affiliations with the Place family.[2]



5/7/2018 at 7:20 PM

So it looks like Thomas Powell, of Essex County is not the son of Thomas Powell, of Talbot County & Anne Powell cannot be placed among the Gorsuches, but there is good evidence to support Howell Powell as a close relative (brother)

5/7/2018 at 7:32 PM

The full transcript of Daniel Gorsuch's will
mentions "my daughter Ann Gorsuch" but is she the same person as Anne Powell?

5/7/2018 at 7:51 PM

"my daughter Ann Gorsuch" was identified as John Gorsuch's wife, therefore, Daniel Gorsuch's daughter in law.

5/7/2018 at 7:57 PM

The identification seems to be correct as later in the will it says "my daughter Anne Gorsuch if she shall outlive her husband"

5/7/2018 at 8:14 PM

I just checked the ancestral file because there was a possible daughter Joanna according to a transcription quoted on Findagrave

Daniel Gorsuch, citizen and mercer of London in the month of July 1638 caused this tomb to be made for himself and his wife Alice by whom he had three children, John, Katherine and Joanna"

Joanna can become Anna.

But suggests

Find A Grave contributor Captain G. suggests:
Cussan's "History of Hertfordshire" gives the inscription as:"Daniel Gorsnor Citizen & Mercer of London In Ye Month of July 1638 Cavsed Ys Tombe To Be Made For Himself & His Wife Alice By Whom He Had Three Children Iohn Katherine &
Mary His Age Being Yn 69 Years 6 Monthes And Odd Dayes, Who Died The Eighth Daye of October Ao DO 1638." Mary, presumably the youngest daughter was not mentioned in the Visitation of London,1633-1635 nor in Daniel's will of 1638, nor his wife's will of 1662.

In any event his surviving daughter was Katherine Haynes.

Powell & Gorsuch [Lovelace?] are speculated to have been kin without the relationship made explicit. Thomas Powell was the “leader” of the Virginia Migration (?). But, it’s clear that it’s widow Anne (Lovelace) Gorsuch who had the political juice.

5/7/2018 at 8:46 PM

Yup, that's what I've found, only three children can be confirmed.
I'm adding some sources, doing it the wikitree way as it's quick.

5/7/2018 at 9:51 PM

Howell Powell (the same one who married Elizabeth Gorsuch?) is also found in company with Thomas Powell of Lancaster County.

Just to add confusion.

LANCASTER COUNTY DEEDS & WILLS 1652-1657; Antient Press; Page 217
BE IT KNOWNE unto all men that I THOMAS POWELL & HOWELL POWELL, Planters, of the Countye of Lancaster have bargained & lawfully & fermly sould our heirs Executrs, Administrs. or: our assignes a tract of land containinge ye quantitie of foyer hundred acers scituate & beinge in Lancaster Countie boundinge as followeth Beginninge au a certaine marked tree neare ye Springe yt: issueth West side of COROTOMON RIVER extendinge thence West of Lands now in ye possession of ye sd THO: POWELL, West 320 poles to another marked tree & from thence N: N:W: two hundred poles to another marked tree &East to ye COROTOMON RIVER & S:S:E: alonge ye River to ye place of ye beginninge unto WALTER HENLY his heires Executrs. Administrs. or his assignes for ever To have & to hould ye sd land with all its rights & priviledges thereunto belonginge in a lawful! large & ample manner as it is granted unto me ye aforesd parties by vertue of a Pattent wth warrants against ye Claime of anie p:son or p:sons for ever; Moreover I ye sd THOMAS POWELL have sould from me my heares or assignes another tract of land scituate upon ye River of COROTOMON betweene this sd tract of land & a certaine Creeke yt: devideth ye lands of THO: HACKETT & of ye sd water hearto his heares Administrs, or assignes for ever, wth: all p:fitts & priviledges thereunto belonginge as above sd & all rights titles of ye same In Wittness hearof wee have hear- unto sett our hands & seales ye 19th of fiber: An: Do: 1655
Signed sealed & delivered in pr:sence of
Acknowledged in ye Court of Lancaster fiber the 25th 1655 and recorded ye first of 10br: p me VINCENT STANFORD

5/7/2018 at 10:20 PM

The abstract of Alice Gorsuch's will mentions "my granddaughter Elizabeth Powell"

1661 May 13. Thomas Powell and Richard Gorsuch claimed headrights for transporting 12 persons to Maryland, including Howell Powell, Elizabeth Powell, Ann Powell, Thomas Powell, Ann Powell, Richard Gorsuch, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Lovelace Gorsuch.

There is a suggestion at wikitree that Howell Powell might be the eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Powell

5/7/2018 at 10:38 PM


book on the Ptolemy Powell Family of Spotsylvania County, Virginia. The book gives a lineage from Thomas Powell of Castle Madoc to brothers, Thomas and Howell Powell who came to Virginia from Wales. These brothers lived in Lancaster County, Virginia in the 1650's until they immigrated to Baltimore County, Maryland in 1659. They were a part of group neighbors who were Quakers and immigrated to Maryland to escape religious persecution in Virginia. Thomas Powell of this group had a wife Anne and son Thomas who married Anne Smith. Thomas, Jr. also lived in Maryland. Thomas, Sr. died in Talbot County, Maryland in 1669.

Howell Powell and his brother Thomas are mentioned numerous times in Lancaster County, Virginia records and researchers have naturally confused them with Thomas Powell of Essex who lived in the portion of Lancaster County that later became Old Rapphannock County, and then Essex County.

[nb: there was then a THIRD Thomas Howell in the picture getting married to Jane Catesby in 1664]

5/7/2018 at 10:51 PM

Another snippet from the study above

References to Thomas Powell of Maryland begin to appear in Lancaster County, Virginia Court Records as early as 1654. His name appears frequently with Howell Powell who is assumed to be his brother. Howell and Thomas owned land next to the Corrotomon River It is not clear to me when Thomas Powell of Maryland came to Virginia but Howell Powell was transported by Hugh Gwyn in 1642. Descendants of these two Powell's believe that they were the sons of Hugh Powell of Castle Madoc in Wales.
Thomas and Howell Powell were apparently part of a group of Quakers who moved from Virginia to Baltimore County, Maryland in 1659 where the authorities were more tolerant of different religious denominations. In 1663-1664 various families of this group moved from Baltimore County, Maryland to Talbot County, Maryland on the Eastern Shore.

Were the Gorsuches & Lovelaces associated with Welsh ? Is the connection Society of Friends ? John Gorsuch was a Royalist killed supposedly by Cromwell’s people.

5/7/2018 at 11:05 PM

19 November 1695 - Will of Nicholas Smith of Isle of Wight County mentions his granddaughter , the daughter of Thomas Powell living in Maryland This is presumably Thomas Powell, Jr. eldest son of Thomas Powell of Maryland.

7 July 1704 - Howell Powell, age 81, dies intestate in Talbot County, Maryland.


A marriage date for Anne (Gorsuch) & Thomas Powell

All Saints, Worcester, England
Marriage to: Thomas Powell I
Sep 26 1619

5/7/2018 at 11:08 PM

Brother? Father? I'm happy to go with what you think on that one.

Here is another problem, Elizabeth Howard has been identified as a Gorsuch.

On pages 261-261, he details the evidence from primary sources which prove that Elizabeth Gorsuch was the wife of Cornelius Howard. Among other things: 1) in the 1663 will of Capt. John Sisson, husband of her sister Frances Gorsuch, Cornelius Howard is called "brother," is named executor of Sisson's will, is asked to look after Sisson's wife and children

Well, "brother" could also mean "brother in law" and Elizabeth the daughter of John Gorsuch is clearly identified as Elizabeth Powell in her grandmother's will.

5/7/2018 at 11:09 PM

I'll double check that marriage record.

5/7/2018 at 11:14 PM

Yes, I had seen that. I believe in our Howell / Gorsuch though! (Mulling on the son vs brother - 1704 is awfully later Death for a brother died 1669)

Anne Goldsborough Looks funky dates. Or wrong Ann Powell - she’s also seen from Dorset. Need Maven for the Eastern Shore.

5/7/2018 at 11:15 PM

Private User you are summoned for Powell Disambiguation

5/7/2018 at 11:27 PM

Darn, All Saints, Worcester parish registers don't seem to be online anywhere.

5/7/2018 at 11:34 PM

“It should be clear from the above chronologies that there were three distinct individuals named Thomas Powell in Lancaster and Rapphannock Counties that were peers of each other. It is easy to see why researchers mix them up. There apparently were other individuals by the name of Thomas Powell in and out of the County during this time period. The following references are instances that I could not place with the three Thomas Powells outlined above. No doubt some of these references do pertain to the Thomases listed above, or to their sons also named Thomas, but with which one is unknown to me.”

5/7/2018 at 11:36 PM

“I find it plausible that Thomas Powell of Maryland may have been a son of Hugh Powell of Castle Madoc in Wales”

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