Childéric I, King of the Franks is my 44th great grandfather

Started by Mike Stangel on Wednesday, May 2, 2018
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Here's the link to the path:

I will try to find where it goes awry but I suspect our fine curators will find it before I can. :-)

I should have just started this from Charlemagne, since I believe there's no dispute that he has living descendants.

Looks like Hugobert's parents might be tenuous. I'll do some checking.

Yup - parents not really known.

Three siblings, parents not known:
1. --- . m ---. One child:

a) HUGOBERT [Hubert] (-after 14 Mar 697). The Conversione S. Huberti Comitis names “comes palatii Hubertus” and “amita sua Oda…Boggis Aquitanorum Ducis recens defuncti relicta vidua”[473]. The Vita Landiberto episcopi Traiectensis of Nicolas names "sub Theoderico rege comes palatii Hugbertus"[474]. "Childebertus rex Francorum" names "Hociobercthus comite palacii nostro" in his charter dated 14 Mar 697[475]. The Conversione S. Huberti Comitis names “comes palatii Hubertus” under “Theodorico rege”[476]. m [IRMINA, daughter of ---. Abbess of Oeren.]

i) PLECTRUDIS (-after 717, bur Köln, St Maria im Kapitol). "Pippinus" names "matrona mea Plectrudis, filia Huogoberti quondam" in his two charters dated 13 May 706[477]. The Liber Historiæ Francorum names "Pippino…uxor nobilissima…Plectrudis" but does not give her origin[478]. After the death of her husband, she "took everything under her control"[479]. The Monumenta Epternacensia records that "Raginfredum maiorem domus" married "Plectrudem"[480]. She was regent for her grandson Theodebald, but opposed by her stepson Charles "Martel" whom she imprisoned. He escaped, and defeated the forces of Plectrudis at Vinchy, near Cambrai, 28 May 717. She founded St Maria im Kapitol at Köln. m ([670/75]) as his first wife, PEPIN [II] "le Gros" or "d'Herstal", son of ANSEGISEL & his wife Begga ([645/50]-Jupille, near Liège 16 Dec 714, bur Metz, basilique de Saint-Arnoul).

2. ODA .

3. APER .

There's also been a smerge on Dagobert.

So, cut Hugobert's parents and now your link is through Dagobert!! :-(

Back to the drawing board.

Dagobert I, king of the Franks
his father → Chlothar II the Young, King of the Franks
his father → Frédégonde
his mother → Chrotechilde of the Ostrogoths
her mother → Audofledis of the Salian Franks
her mother → Childéric I, King of the Franks
her father

And Frédégonde de Cambrai 's parents are unknown.

Cut. And you are no longer directly descended from Childéric I, King of the Franks :-)

Very nice, thank you! (as much as I'd like to be heir to the King of the Franks....)

Mike, we have plenty of contenders on Geni already ;)

First my kilt now my scepter. Rough day.

If it helps you any I’m connecting through Chlothar II the Young, King of the Franks

Erica, using your link to Chlothar II the Young..., I note that all the profiles upline were added by one person on 3/1/17 -- , up to, & beyond, Clodeswinthe, wife of Merovich I.
2017 seems like a late date for these to be added, so are they duplicates?
Also, Clodeswinthe shows as my 46th GGM, but Merovich is coming up as my GGM's husband

Stumbled on this profile Haldetrude / Adaltrudis that should probably be expanded or deleted.

King Merovich of Franks

Seems dup to Merovich Merovingian, King

Descends etc from Claudius I IV Chlogio De Allemanie

That google tells me is a fictitious person

Chlodio IV, King of the Franks at Cologne (Fictitious Person)&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi74PPEnujaAhXEqlkKHQXQDowQFggOMAE&usg=AOvVaw2ecY9pZX1cuWhUXz9Mpeh6

Chlodio IV, King of the Franks at Cologne (Fictitious Person)


The match is at Blesinde of the Alemannians

And Basina De Thuringia

she's not labeled fictional ? Will Chapman (Vol. Curator) ?

Now, my technique would be to merge the dup lines, then merge them into the “marked fictional” tree, but I don’t want to interfere with techniques & approaches & an area of history I am not well suited for.

So if it’s OK I’ll bow out here on fixing, and work more on diagnosing.

It's not a good idea to merge these duplicates. It just makes endless work for everyone. The better thing is to add them to the medieval duplicates project so we can work with the user to delete them.

Medieval Tree Clean Up: Please Park Unsourced DUPLICATES in the Medieval Tree Here!


I’m on the phone & multiple windows are hard to do. I had added links to the dups I noticed within their overviews, maybe Linda Wellman would be kind enough to re post to the medieval dups thread?

Brief Life History of Clodius IV Clodius IV of the Merovingians King of Neustria was born in 0324, in Sachsen, Sachsen bei Ansbach, Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. He had at least 1 son. In 319, his occupation is listed as king of franks, duke of east franks. He died in 0389, in Germany, at the age of 65.

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