This particular Yolande by all my research is the daughter of Baldwin IV count of Hainaut and Alix de Namur. She is listed under the wrong parentage. The Wikipedia netherland page linked to this profile backs up her being a daughter of Baldwin IV & Alix, as does wikipedia in english, german and french. Is there a particular reason she's listed under Raoul de Coucy and Agnes de Hainaut, another daughter of Baldwin IV of Hainaut?
I can't help much here because the About notes are not in English (my weakness) but if you look at the Revisions log Daughter of Raoul de Coucy
You will see a number of changes by Private User who I am sure could help you with your enquiry.
I think we have a Mash-Merge here. Four husbands!?
Reynald the Robber Baron of Chatillon and Antioch had two known wives, and neither one was a Yolande, a Hainaut, or a Coucy. (This is the creep who was personally offed by Saladin after the battle of the Horns of Hattin.)
First wife: Constance of Antioch (1128-1163) daughter of Bohemond II of Antioch.
Second wife: Stephanie of Milly, lady of Oultrejordain (in Palestine), twice previously widowed.
Yves de Nesle married the Yolande who was a daughter of Baldwin of Hainaut.; they had no children. He died, and she next married HUGUES [IV] de Saint-Pol "Candavène". (*They* had children.)
Her sister Agnes married RAOUL [I] de Coucy Seigneur de Coucy, which may be where some of the confusion comes in. (Yolande de Coucy (q.v. below) was *her* daughter.).
The Yolande who was the daughter of Raoul de Coucy married ROBERT [II] Comte de Dreux.
She had three sisters: Melisende, who married RAOUL [I] Comte de Roucy and then HENRI [III] Comte de Grandpre ; Ada, who married DIRK van Beveren ; and (half-sister) Agnes, who married GILLES de Beaumetz.
I have no idea how Allard van Egmond fits into thie muddle.
I think somebody has been playing hob with various branches of the tree in this area, for reasons unknown. It's getting completely hashed-up.
Yves de Nesle's father Raoul married a Rainurge, but she was not a de Soissons - that was Raoul's *mother*. Raoul's father was named Yves, like Raoul's son, NOT "Lothaire".
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetara.
This has exposed a real rats' nest.
Additional clean-up: Reynald the Robber Raynald of Châtillon, lord of Hebron & Montréal is of unknown (or unadmitted) parentage, too early to have had anything to do with Yolande van Hengouwen or Hugues IV de Campdavaine, Comte De Saint-Pol (whose *daughter* married into the Chatillons). He was probably older than Hugues, as a matter of fact, since he was a veteran of the *Second* Crusade (1147-1149) who stuck around in Palestine afterward.
Yves II "le Vieux" de Nesle, comte de Soissons's ancestry requires some attention also, with Medieval Lands http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfralaoncou.htm#IvesIINesleSoissons... firmly in hnd.
RE: https://www.geni.com/discussions/158450?msg=1211460
Lord Aelbert I van Egmond and
Allard van Egmont
I've undone the two recent merges on the profile - to see if that helps.
Yolande van Hengouwen doesn't seem to be attached anymore.
Maven's note on this:
"Someone has confused "FROM Hainaut" with "OF Hainaut", which is not at all the same thing.
He is NOT on the list of Yolande de Hainaut's known husbands. She married 1) Yves (II) de Nesle (from c. 1151/2 to Aug 1178), 2) Hugues (IV) de St. Pol (from late 1178 to early 1200s). There is no room there for an Egmont marriage.
Unfortunately, Medieval Lands only starts tracking the Egmonts with Wouter (d. 1208) and says nothing at all about his parentage. "WOUTER [I] van Egmond (-13 Sep 1208). "…Hugo de Worn, Theodericus de Alcena, Simon et Johannes et Isbrand de Harlen, Willielmus de Teylinge, Walpertus et Florentinus de Leda, Arnaand et Henr. de Riswic, Walterus de Egmund" witnessed the letter dated 1207 from "Adelheidis comitissa Hollandie" to John King of England concerning the marriage of "comes de Los" and "filiam meam"[418]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "XIII Sep" 1208 of "dominus Walterus de Egmonda…pater domini Wilhelmi et Gherardi militum"[419]. m ---. The name of Wouter´s wife is not known. " http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/DUTCH%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc457229115
Several lists of the Lords of Egmont/Egmond give Wouter's father's name as Albert, Albrecht, or Allard (all roughly synonymous) and an approximate dating from c. 1130 to (c.) 1168. No even semi-reliable source specifically names his wife, though some "traditional" sources say she was "from Hainaut"."
I agree Sharon, these were the only two husbands and I found the same issues with MedLands. My concern is mainly with her parentage, as I believe she is to be listed under Baldwin IV, not Raoul de Coucy. I can find no links in any books of Yolande, wife of Hughes IV of St. Pol & Ives II de Nesles, listed as being the daughter of Raoul de Coucy, but I have of Baldwin the IV in every wikipedia of different language/countries and in other books/research when researching information to verify wikipedia's information.
Will Chapman, I had a hard time with that too and if you're on google, you can right click and translate the texts in almost anything, with the exception of PDF's and books. If it's in a different language, to the right end of the address bar an icon will pop up after you hit translate page and you can select what language to translate if there are multiple languages. When I can't use this function, I use translate.google, which can auto detect the language, or you can select, and type in the passages and it will translate them for you. Hope this may help you in the future.
Ok, I went back and saw the changes. Thanks for the clarification!!! It didn't look right and I didn't want people to use the information if it was wrong. I've found inconsistencies in data from different sources listed on the different wikipedias and history sources and additional information from recent years that have changed lines, so I've learned to be weary. Sometimes Medlands doesn't go back far enough, as you said above and can at times be difficult to interpret, as the names aren't as distinct with members of the families with exactly the same names, but no roman numerals or additional data to identify them for certain, unless you through the whole list of names , looking at parents and children till you're sure.
The only problem is that "Daughter of Raoul de Coucy" is still flying under Hainaut colors.
Coucy, at the time, was near the northern border of France but still within French territory.
I'm not completely convinced that we have the right answer, but given that the sires de Coucy were a major power on the French/Low Lands border, it will suffice till documentation is found.