I think this is a cool project.
If I should have some free time, and usually I have, then I could write about eating disorders that they kill.
What is your position, guys? There is slight, but not a major, difference between people who suffer from from bulimia or binge-eating disorders. Do you think the name of the project might better be "Anorexia and other eating disorders?"
Mikko, it sounds like Jeanette is interested in developing individual disorder projects (and they are looking great, tasteful also for a hard topic).
What I would find useful and I think others would agree, is what we call “umbrellas” or “sub portals”. It’s essentially an index page, no profiles, but descriptions of the Eating Disorders.
Then the individual projects are listed and related. And the Eating Disorders Page rolls up to the Psychiatric Disorders (to come), and then to the medical portal. In other words, a tree.
Don’t forget that we have the ability on Geni now to title projects in different languages and, within the same project, offer the “about” in different languages.
I agree we need different kind of project-information for the different kinds of sufferings people had/have in historical context. It's also important to tell about the historical/ chronological discoveries in relation to every kind of diseases with the most important actores, like scientist, medicines, roll-models etc. That's why I think the titel 'main portal' is not a good one for a project-page with an alfabeth with patients, but I was searching for a way to start...
I removed Twiggy from the list, she was NOT an anorexia patient herself...