Adrian Roelofz "Arij, Arie" van Wijck - Life

Started by Private User on Friday, April 6, 2018
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Private User
4/6/2018 at 1:29 AM

Arij van Wijk, one of Adam Tas’ supporters in his struggle against WA van der Stel, became the owner of Schinderkuijl in 1705, hence the front gable with its fancy A-frame and lovely plasterwork. It was also Arij who, by planting vines, transformed Schinderkuijl/Leeuwenkuijl into one of the early wine farms. Following its subdivision in 1800, the farm’s name was changed from Schinderkuijl to Leeuwenkuijl. The word “kuijl” refers to the watering holes that were found in what is currently known as the Mosselbank River and the Hans Lourens River. Since the area around Leeuwenkuijl provided plenty of resting places – public areas where farmers and their cattle could rest and drink water – many farmers chose to spend the night here

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