It was brought to my attention that some of the CoD portal proposed projects (i.e. Autoimmune Diseases) didn't cause death or weren't the primary CoD so wouldn't really fit there even though there maybe was an interest in one of the diseases. It was suggested that maybe there was a need for a "Medical portal" that would help organize all medically related projects (other than cause of death), including conditions that don't cause death but are of interest to Geni members. Do you think there will there be an interest in this OR not???
If there is an interest in this, I will be looking for a curator who might be interested & willing to be a major resource person for this proposed project and anyone else (esp. those with medical backgrounds) who might be interested in helping in creating and collaborating with this proposed project.
We will need a title that explains this project & an intro that would explain what projects would fit in it.
At present I think it should include:
** “Survivor of...” projects (I have created a few of these)
** “Living with...” projects (I have created a few of these)
** “Contributed to but not the primary cause of death” (don't think there are any of these at present.)
** “Died of another cause, but had this disease” (don't think there are any of these at present.)
** “Underlying Medical conditions” (don't think there are any of these at present.)
Any other suggestions???
What about adding doctor & nurse projects with links to them??? (I don’t know what projects these might include at present, so would need help finding them if they are included in the portal.)
Will need help in getting this proposed project organized & set up.
Feedback & volunteers appreciated.
Thanks, Pat