John Costner - Adam Costner

Started by Joy Denise Morey on Sunday, February 11, 2018
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2/11/2018 at 2:38 PM

He is John Costner's Great Grandfather and the first Costner to settled here in America. His story began in Southern Rhine County in Germany, He was given Refuge by Queen Anne of England in England and was sent here my the English Government prior to1750. Being the first pioneers of the Costner family who followed the Indian Trail to North Carolina. When they first arrived here it was in York County Pennsylvania. Another fact that is know and was handed down from the family genealogist who started the family history Joseph lee Green and this information was completed in 1939 was that John Costner and his wife Barbara my 3rd Great grandparents both passed away on the same day. If anyone has any more detailed information on the actual date of their deaths contact me by email It would be greatly appreciated I would love to have accurate information. Thanks again. J Denise Morey

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