Isabel Hamelin - Parents?

Started by Gordon Campbell on Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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How can Matilda de Erdington (1289-1370) be Isabella’s mother if Isabella was born in 1276? Some confusion with Isabella de Chilham de Croun FitzRoy 1225-1276

She’s not the wife of Thomas de Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley either

I’m disconnecting until more research is done

I put her back as daughter, it was her parents dates that were whack.

HG Somerby wrote:

>"The south cross of the church at Wymondham was the appropriate burial place of the Hamelins. At the south end of the cross aisle, was the tomb of an old Knight, in a coat of mail and crossed legged, for one of the Hamelins, but the tomb which is in the form of a wedge, broader at the shoulders than at the feet, had in 1768 neither escutcheon of arms nor inscription. This cross legged figure of Sir John Hamelin, which had long lain neglected on the floor, has, on a late repair of the church, by the laudable attention of the Earl of Harborough, been effectually preserved; and is now fixed upright against one of the walls, secure from further injury."

However, open a can, out spill the worms. Her husband had been smerged away. I might be able to fish him out, will try; if not will recreate.

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