I have added several sources. I know you will tell me that there is not 100% proof to say who Nicketti's parents are. I say...YOU do not have 100% proof to say who Nicketti's parents were not. Even if you do not change anything, people will and SHOULD believe who their ancestors were. There is no reason to keep her disconnected from who the MAJORITY thinks her parents were. I say to connect them ....until someone else can PROVE they were someone else. If you cannot keep an open mind, maybe this profile should be turned over to a proven descendant of her....someone who cares and embraces their ancestors and their heritage. This is my opinion, and I would hope that others will support me on this matter. Thank You, Diana Collins
Diana, several of us curators "are" connected to the trees for Powhatan, and have substantial Virginia ancestry in our trees, and we talked with each other; plus we had a long and open discussion about this that was (for me) painful and time consuming. And no
We treat this no differently than any other historic figure in the Geni World Family Tree. If we can't prove it, we link within a placeholder profile to the possible ancestors. If is disrespectful, in my opinion, to do otherwise; and it is disrespectful to give anyone preferential treatment.
The approach of Geni is exactly the opposite from what you're saying: the burden of proof is to make the connection. Not the other way around.
It has to be that way in history, and the 17th century "is" history, not family tradition.
I do not know how much proof it takes to make a connection. These sources are from books.....not facebook....not pinterest....not from someone's personal tree from any of the genealogy sites on the internet.....not from two 90 year old guys having a conversation while sitting in rockers on the porch of a gas station secluded in the mountains. One source is from Don Greene, Shawnee Herritage II. His book part III is used in the "about me" section as a reference. If part III is good enough to prove a point, so is part II. This IS the "burden of proof"....along with the other sources.
Thank you Private User and if you can point to the Pine Shooter profiles that would be very helpful.
I will make my "personal" point of view clear.
Of course I believe Nicketti existed! I don't know why there's an impression otherwise? We mark made up people as "fictitious" and disconnect them from the World Family Tree as we find them. No one did that here. No one intends to do that here.
And yes, we follow Cabell and His Kin, I think, as much as we can.
What we "do not know" is the following -
- who her parents were
- who her children were
I'm not sure how we can "ever" know. Maybe Jason's research efforts will accumulate more data , one way or another.
I trust he will be a relentless investigator and willing to discard received notions, just follow the evidence. :)
Guess I should jump in this can of worms, but all of you know where I stand on oral tradition and the documenting thereof. I feel that if that is all you have and it has been passed along for several hundred years, virtually unaltered, how can you not believe it? But I'm not an educated genealogist by any means, I'm just a "good ole' boy that loves history.
I understand that Erica has a set of rules she must abide to as a curator, regardless of how she feels personally. So it is up to us to provide as much information as we can, no matter how small to attempt to reinstall her into Jason Floyd's tree.
Unfortunately Nicketti's profile floated to the top of the NA profile pile and some people decided to make a big issue out of it. I can probably list a hundred profiles just like hers in about ten minutes, no proof either way. Diana and a few others like Billie Kiefaber have become "document warriors" (which I lack) and I am proud of the work they do to prove out what others just throw on the tree.
Seems we have reached a point of "All Quiet on the Western Front". I am directing my next comment to Mr. Justin Swanstrom, who seems to have chosen to refrain from making any comments during this discussion. You are the one that disconnected Nicketti from her parents. I will ask again.... "What does it take to make a connection"? What is the 'magic number of sources' does it take to make a change? These are good sources, and I construe them to be good paper trail since they come from books. Any comment about the Shawnee Heritage book? I know that a lot of people are not in favor of his findings. However, I have found his work to be quite useful. I have made many connections from his works. Is he going to be 100% accurate in everything that he writes....probably not. NONE OF US are perfect. But his words and other supportive books should be taken into consideration. Have you used his books to make profiles and connections? Have any other curators? If so, why should this profile be any different? Why are you so adamant on keeping it the way that it is? Will you please answer these questions that I have put before you?
Diana Collins Justin is on a break, so may or may not choose to respond.
But we need to be clear, he did not do the disconnect on his own; it was in consultation with several of us and after a long and detailed discussion of the evidence we could find. He did write the excellent summary in her profile based on the research of that discussion, which wasn’t just his own findings.
I wish I had been the one to do the disconnect in order to spare him any need to revisit at this time.
14th cousin x 2
Going through Whitt > Skaggs > Woolard, Augusta County.
That makes sense.
So, building Nycatie and William England tree based "loosely" on the comments from the http://jungle-hut.blogspot.com/2008/06/my-cherokee-heritage.html website.
Came upon one I am ready to add in and have Find A Grave link with picture of Ralph Bogle Lester, and he looks VERY much to be of Melungeon origin. I do not want to appear racist in any manner but his features appear very African, NA and Euro in origin. This is an excellent find for this family if it works out. And this line is ties into Jason's Belchers I believe, As Ralph's mother is Anna Belcher, still working.
Read through all the posts that are on this web link that is from Nycatie's family, this is where the name I put in originated from. And once you cross reference to Internet sources, they are legit and tie in perfectly.
So, follow up the Lester tree and you will find this young lady, also a derivation of Niketti, again in the same tree Jason, that web page has a poster that believes this is where Nycatie got her name. Hannah Rebecca "Nikitie" Arthur
Here is what the poster on the web page says,
Nycetye (Lester) England made her application to the Guion Miller rolls, using this spelling. I have been researching Lesters and related families for years. She was, no-doubt, named after Nikitie "Hannah" who married Gabriel Arthur. I descend through their daughter Martha, daughter Martha who married John Drake. They lived in Russell/Tazewell CO, VA. I believe Nycetye may have been part of the migration that went to Mossyrock, WA in 1894 along with several other families from W.VA...correct me if I am wrong. I have just found a Nikitie Mullins, b. 1877, Tazewell, parents William "Red Bill" Mullins and Eliza Hall (Hill) Anyone know about them?
And here is another Nikitie, (Mullins) that one of the posters on that page was talking about.
Nikitie Mullins
ikitie" Rebecca (Cherokee) Arthur is your third great aunt's third great aunt.
Arkansas. My Ross great aunts (out of Hopkins KY) married Roark, who descend from Abigail Eastridge, supposedly a daughter of Dragging Canoe. I don’t know if her parentage is true but her tombstone identities her as native.