Fiegela Katz (Katzenellenbogen), [Maharal in-law] - sources for Fiegela Katz being daughter of mahram of Padaua

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 17, 2017
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Is there any saurce for @Fiegela Katz being the daughter of Mahram of Padaua? thanks

Fiegela Katz

You really need to ask the Curator - he will be the one with the greatest expertise on this profile.


The Third Edition (2017) of The Unbroken Chain by Neil Rosenstein Vol. 1 pp 11 - 17, the genealogy of the Maharam of Padua, lists only three children:

1. Samuel Judah m. Abigail
2. Bonah, m. R. Jacob, son of R. Moses haLevi
3. The wife of R. Zalman Ronkel, A.B.D. Krakow, son of R. Joel Ronkel

so Fiegela Katz is not his daughter?

In Geni he has seven children. Its a big difference !!

As Rick says, this is best taken up with the curator, who is listed on the profile.

I cited Rosenstein's work because the third edition only recently came out. I'm not familiar with any discussion about children, but it's pretty common for luminaries like the Maharam that families have traditions of being descendants that may bear merit albeit not be documented well.

Chaim Freedman in his book on the Vilna Gaon (and this is more recent history) has handled this well.

Daughters were not named in rabbinical genealogies and may have only been mentioned if they married a noted rabbi.

thanks, I already sent a message to the managers of the profile.

just received mail form @Neil Rosenstein- I asked him if @Fiegela Katz was daughter of Mahram Padaua. He respond:

For sure not!!!
Can only be a modern confabulation unless you can show me an ancient manuscript showing thAT

Sounds like Neil :) I assumed there was no documentation for any other than the three he listed.

You're my 12th cousin and from Buenos Aires, through Katzenellenbogen, which is interesting. My late husband was Argentinian and if you know any Blejers, they are related. My mother-in-law and father-in-law were from the two large Blejer families in Argentina (not related).

Nope through Tosfos Yom Tov. I made a mistake. I'm a direct descendant ofתוספות-יו-ט/6000...

Chaim Freedman responded that there is no source for her being
Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua


I've emailed a link to this discussion to the managers, who include the curator.

thanks I sent messages but till now no response...

Indeed too many undocumented or non merged children of the Maharam of Padua in Geni.
I will try to fix some, and mark as UNDOCUMENTED all other profiles except the three children mentioned in the Unbroken Chain (I have no knowledge of other reliable sources).
This should do for now. Hopefully in the future the true connections of these "orphan" children will be taken care of.

"*undocumented" is a good solution, Yigal! Happy Chanukah!

I would like to add that I found a source for

Rabbi Yitzhak haKohen Katz, [Maharal law]

being descendant of Mahram Padaua. I sent this to Private User Rosenstein

he respond :

"I would not call Amsel's book a primary source to rely on.
He does note even give HIS source."

So i dont know what is the criteria here in Geni...I understand that he argues that sometimes families would invent ichus in order to gain social status. In this case He being son in law of the Mahral and direct descendant of HaGaon Rabbi Akiva HaCohen Katz, of Ofen I dont know why they would need to fabricate the connection to Mahram Padaua....

Makes sense.
Connection severed.
Happy Hanukkah to all!

Sorry forgot to put the source

It's in Hebrew

My family tree, contains Katzenellenbogen's, Leib (Leon0 Katzenellenbogen 1874 - Maurice (Moshie) Katzenellenbogen -great, great grandfathers, and then my own grandfather Beryl (Boris) Katzenellenbogen....My DNA, research shows that I seem to be related. to the Katzenellenbogen family tree. Currently doing a further Y-DNA search to see how far back the line I'm part of. So we'll see. If anyone wants into on this please leae me a messate. Thanks....Steve Bogen

Private User

There is a recent paper on the Katzenellenbogen Y-DNA. I assume that you're in touch with the authors / researchers?

Once I get my Y-DNA testing back and find out the results, I'll post them here as well, and yes I'll be able to contacct authors and researchers...I do believe I can do this.

Private User

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